Sharing The Whole Truth

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by esseff, Oct 7, 2011.

  1. Aside from the fact that it might not be possible to do so, and you might not want to know it even if it was, there are some things that just can't really be shared.

    When I've tried to do so, it feels like I'm revealing something that just isn't being heard properly. It's strange to having something completely different be inferred from what I know I'm saying. These are things I don't find easy to say, but in completely accepting this, I've come to see it differently.

    This is aimed at those who think there's nothing more to life than they can see, hear, taste or touch, but have previously wondered if there might be.

    The last time you looked at this honestly, you probably decided that those who believed in something were basically deluding themselves or at best misundertanding, certainly there was nothing of any substance to their claims. And how many times do you consider a subject before you conclude the reason you can't find anything is because there isn't anything to find?

    But what if there is something to find? What if you simply didn't see it because you had to find something else first?

    For many of us, life is like this. If we could see it from the start, we'd let it get in the way of what we're actually trying to do here. There are aspects of who we are that have to be realised first, through life's theatre, which we simply wouldn't be able to do if the truth wasn't hidden from the get-go.

    But what it is we need to realise does eventually get done, and once it is, life becomes a lot clearer. We've been doing this shit our whole lives, and you know what, we've not made a bad job of it. After all, we're still here aren't we? Yes, we made loads of mistakes along the way, but that just made sure we learned, changed, and evolved, so that who we really are could not only be realised, but make a real difference in the world.

    Don't give up on there being something to discover about what life actually is. It isn't what others say it is, that's just their own interpretation of it, but it is a reality nevertheless.
  2. I feel like this a lot too.. I have the knowledge and information I want to convey perfectly formulated and connected in my head, but as soon as I try to put it in words, it sounds like crackpot nonsense. I think that's part of what's to come soon, is everyone realizing that there's more to truth than what we can convey with words, some things just have to be felt. And until you feel them, there's no hope of you ever believing anything someone says, even if its the absolute truth.

    Until you feel it. Then you know, that no matter what people may say to or about you on here or anywhere else, you know that you're right, even if it's only the truth for YOUR reality, that's all that matters. All that matters is that YOU know that you're right, and it will be so for you.

    Of course, this could easily be 20 pages of one person talking and presenting mountains of information and proofs of their truth, and it would still be crackpot nonsense if someone isn't awake enough to even entertain those ideas.

    I know exactly where you're coming from.
  3. 1

    The tao that can be told
    is not the eternal Tao
    The name that can be named
    is not the eternal Name.

    The unnamable is the eternally real.
    Naming is the origin
    of all particular things.

    Free from desire, you realize the mystery.
    Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations.

    Yet mystery and manifestations
    arise from the same source.
    This source is called darkness.

    Darkness within darkness.
    The gateway to all understanding.

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