Sharing some new "the Joint" boston heady pickups

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by Tergale, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. I don't work for the joint in Boston but I really love the great glass they carry and had to share some of this with you.

    Banjo Fro Collaborations:


    I hope you enjoyed em.:smoking:
  2. not my style but pretty fucking insane.
  3. two of my favorite artists. those are just beautiful.
  4. i absolutly need that worked bike!!!!!!!!!!!! fuckin eh is that thing ever sick!!!!!!!!
  5. Not gonna lie, I would do some pretty sick and degrading things for that last piece. Pretty much stunning.
  6. omg those are amazingly beautiful... there have been a lot of threads with really nice work like this lately... realllllllllly nice mannn
  7. Wow is all I got to say
  8. That first one is by far one of the coolest pieces I've ever seen...ever.
  9. Dido, that is pretty creative if you ask me. Enjoy! :bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin:
  10. I've been meaning to go down to the joint. They only carry really high priced shit or they have some around 200 area? Also you know if some of their stuff is locally blown?
  11. They have real high end and then they have affordable quality. My stemless I picked up was local blown and priced at 160 and I walked out paying 120.
  12. the first one is the coolest thing ive ever seen.
  13. Sweet deal, pretty excited then to go down :hello:
  14. I will of course admit those things are amazing as far as talent, creativity and I assume quality goes... but with that in mind you might as well make a pipe out of a writing desk. A little too much going on for my taste. And I don't really wanna put a bug in my mouth. Assuming that first one is a bug.

    Sick though if that's what you like.

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