Shadow People

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by JesusGotBaked, Feb 19, 2012.

  1. #1 JesusGotBaked, Feb 19, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2012
    Has anyone else heard about these things? Recently I just found out about them. Basically they start off as dark shadows in your peripheral vision that disappear when you try to look directly at them. You still get the feeling of something watching you, but you keep dismissing it as nothing. Weeks, months, years later it finally happens, "you see the shadow directly in front of you: face to face, blacker than black, darker than dark, like a void that has punched a hole into the inky fabric of night itself."

    They're shadow people, they have appeared to people for thousands of years. They appear when people are sleeping and can start off appearing as shadows in the corner of your eye, or can appear directly in front of you from the get go. Whatever the case, this shit is creepy.

    The Official Shadow People Archive

    Anyone have any thoughts about this? I'm not into paranormal stuff, but it seems people have legitimately experienced theses shadow people and have been terrified. It seems people genuinely believe they have encountered these beings. Are they all hallucinating or what?
  2. #2 tokinbud420, Feb 19, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2012
    Shadow people, to me, are very real. I encountered one face to face, I felt all the blood rush out of my body and suddenly got very cold. Had an overwhelming sense of despair and turmoil, I had 'off' feelings for a couple of weeks, just thinking about what the fuck I saw. It was strange because The night when I encountered the Shadow person the 'thing' appeared in my dream, coupled with the most bloodcurdling and terrifying scream i've ever heard.

    i also had no idea about this
    that used to happen to me quite frequently..I would always just tell myself it's nothing...

    also with this 'shadow person', he was in the figure of a silhouetted man, no face, no eyes, just eternal darkness..I could sense so much hate, so much anger emitting from this, thing.
  3. You're fucking with me.
  4. i have seen shadow people, but only in the corner of my eye, i look and they vanish....never face to face, its kinda weird
  5. #5 JesusGotBaked, Feb 19, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2012
    As much as I don't believe in paranormal shit, this bugs me. Why? Because when I'm sleeping at night in a dark room I can't help but get extremely anxious that some fucking shadow could be at the foot of my bed looking at me.

    This scientist experienced these shadow people ever since he was a child, these shadow people are very disturbing to me.

  6. Honestly dude, I wish I was. I think it may have been one of the 8 unlucky souls to have died at the end of my driveway. I encountered this, thing, about 2 weeks ago. I hope I don't encounter another. Although, at the same time, I kind of do. This shit is so intriguing considering how little is known about 'shadow people'. good thread.
  7. Dude fuck I thought I was the only one that saw these, I see them mostly when I'm watching tv on my couch, like I'll be watching then I'll turn my head and like this black shadow thing just vanishes!

    Some dementor shit goin on
  8. Would you mind elaborating and going into detail? Then you can submit your story to that website:

    How to Submit a Story

    Man that freaks me the fuck out, how am I supposed to think positively when I'm trying to sleep in a pitch black dark bedroom and I get fearful of some creepy ass shadow person watching me?
  9. My cousin lives in a house from the late 1700s near Brown University in Providence, RI. We see shadow people all the time, faucets turn on during the night and odd times during the day. One night our buddy was sleeping on an air mattress at the top of the stairs, he woke up to tell us he heard us come up the stairs and walk past him that morning. The problem is no one has a key to the door at the bottom of the stairs, not even the landlord, its always locked.

    We're not sure if they're just trying to fuck with us or if they're old spirits stuck in the house, who knows, but its mad creepy. If im in the bedroom, i see the shadows moving in the living room and vice versa. Our friend is a sensitive who always has dreams when people die, and she won't even step foot in the house.
  10. That's pretty creepy.

    Anyone know if the shadow people can appear during the day?
  11. I've seen a "hatted" shadow person. 9 years ago in my backyard, we stared at each other for a few secs then it walked away and vanished. Pitch black silhouette with a top hat on, this was all in broad daylight too.

    Didn't feel scared after just relaxed as if I knew the shadow from a life before
  12. You know how if you see a shadow or something in the corner of your eye and you look it's gone. I was in the Bahamas and this happened to me except it didn't fade a way and 'looked' at me for a bit. I NOPE'd and gtfo'd. The room we were staying in had a double murder. More of a ghost story than shadow people but what I saw was more of a silhouette.
  13. I'm very familiar with shadow people.

    Even though I've never seen one "face to face," as it were, I've definitely had countless experiences of seeing something blacker than black either dart, very quickly, in front of me or out of the corner of my eye. When I say out of the corner of my eye it's still very much in my peripheral vision field. If I don't move my eyes, I can see the outline of one "side" of it continuously. As soon as I move my eye it disappears.
  14. One night about a year ago I had been asleep a couple hours and woke up very abruptly because my dog laid down almost on top of me whining very loudly (which is odd for her since usually she barks not whines) and when I sat up in bed there was a shadow man standing at the end of the bed but he wasn't looking at me he was looking at my husband (who was still asleep). I sat there for a few seconds,stunned, trying to convince myself that my eyes were playing tricks on me but then he jerked his head to look toward me and even though I couldn't see any eyes it felt like it was staring a hole right through me,I turned toward my husband and reached out for him and when I turned back it was gone. It was some pretty freaky shit man.
  15. #15 fatblunts9-5-4, Feb 19, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2012
    I've had multiple experiences with these "shadow people" i consider them more to be spirits.

    the first time i was young and unprepared for the things i was seeing with my eyes wide open they wouldnt go away it literally heated my body into a fever so i tried to scream but i was barely able to mumble out "" for what felt like an eternity but when my mom and dad came all i could say was

    "help make them go away" like wtf who would even understand that coming from an 11-12 year old and realizing it now my dad knew exactly what i was talking about because he was an expert on lucid dreaming and had weird supplements and books i never knew what the fuck were for and again thinking about it now if he hadnt been aware I think my mind would have overtook my body. I really shed tears with this realization.

    My Dad passed away 5 years ago. Im 23 so he actually was able to explain some of what happened to me before he died and now he is the man that I see in my deepest stages of REM and out of the corner of my eye and Im not scared when I see him im just sad its not in the physical form.
  16. Only meth heads see shadow people
  17. No fuckin way.... Reading this creeps me out cause I still experience this sometimes. Mainly when I get high at night and I go into my room, lights off with jus the tv on and im laying in my bed, to this day I always see a shadow figure from the corner of my eye. And when I go to look its nothing... I still think its all in your head cause I jus shrugg it off, but couple times I get paranoid and I'll turn my head real fast to catch it but it's nothing haha
  18. Never experienced it, don't know if I want to.

    Staying tuned to this thread though, very interesting.
  19. yo jesus your sig is distressingly awesome
  20. Not anymore, people started complaining cause they have shitty internet, so I gotta change it before it gets reported.

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