I really can't decide which one to buy, they're both 300 bucks. I can't tell what the difference between the two percs are. Any info helps. These are from 2 different website by the way, Aqua labs for the V1 and Dab Lab for the V2.
SGW, not SWG. As for your question, the percs are the same, the difference is in bores. One is straight bore (v1) the other has a reduction (v2).
Hahaha Sorry man, I get almost dyslexic when I'm high. Would you recommend one over the other? I'll be completely honest, I have no idea what you mean by a reduction.
I've smoked out of both many times. They hit basically the same, just comes down to what you think looks nicer. Personally, I like the look of the v2
Just picked up the v2 on Friday through a private sale and I must say it is awesome I have never used the v1 but the v2 couldn't be better imo. The mouthpiece has a great feel, the stacking is insane!!! Stacks up the whole can, smooth as can be the only thig about the v2 I wish were like the v1 is the logo haha. So basically nothing. Man I'm telling u if your serious about buying a waffle these things are dope I just just just got mine and love it!!!!
[quote name='"JakeGetsBaked"']My v2 has a logo [/quote] Haha mines got one 2 man but the logo on the v2 is sgw in small letters on the joint. The v1 was big down the tube
Well, now I'm thinking the V2 is the way to go. Hearing the it'll stack the entire can is too fucking sick to pass up. How's the stock bowl on it? Should I stick with that or invest in a new bowl?
[quote name='"JakeGetsBaked"']Mine says stone down the can sir.[/quote] I'm very interested now. Anyway u can post a pic?
[quote name='"Dillonmcgowan"']Well, now I'm thinking the V2 is the way to go. Hearing the it'll stack the entire can is too fucking sick to pass up. How's the stock bowl on it? Should I stick with that or invest in a new bowl?[/quote] It's all preference as far as slides go. I mean I've been using the one it came with but the slide it comes with only fits about.4. You can get about two good hits per bowl pack. So the choice is yours if you do go with another slide let me know what I get cause I've actually been looking at some new slides For it too.
Ya, I like to pack 'em fat and smoke with like 3-8. I'll check out what I can do. It's got an 18 mm joint right?
[quote name='"JakeGetsBaked"'] Here ya go.[/quote] Do you know what the bore is on your neck? I almost like that more than the 19mm that comes on the straights.
I have a apix mini stemline. Pretty much same thing. 13 inches tall, 18mm mouth piece, and 25 slits, which is prob around close to the honeycomb since mine perculates all the way to the top of the first chamber. And it was less then half the SGW