Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by aust36, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. #1 aust36, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2011
    I'm lovin this thing.

    My girl picked it up for me as a early Valentines Present...:hello:


    Attached Files:

  2. Your girlfriend has very nice taste in glass. haha
  3. Milk!!

    Nice glass
  4. such a great combo,
    i second the call for MILK!
    you now have official pressure for some creamy-cream!
  5. she's a beaut. (the waffle ac ;))!
  6. That looks sweet man. I'd hit it all night long.
  7. I dreamt of having the same set up for so long my friend. It looks fantastic.
  8. Thanks for the kind comments guys

    Not the greatest pic, but you guys get the right idea....:bongin:

    Attached Files:

  9. Sick setup man, I cant wait until I get have enough extra cash to get a stemline or somethin else that stacks. I basically want the same setup as you though, it seems ideal. Have a good one dude :bongin:
  10. ok we need a milk video

  11. Thanks man. By far the smoothest hit I've ever had in my life. SGW perc really surprised me! Thing is great.

    I will throw up as soon as I capture one for sure!
  12. Hopefully this will work...
    [ame=]YouTube - Sovereignty+SGW perc MILK[/ame]
  13. Doesn't look to be working to well,probably because you tilt it,with stemless its better too toke straight,but i'm sure you know that. But none the less that is some killer fucking glass,i'm jelly.
  14. Seems like the bowl is constricted. I would recommend a disc diffused or ice pinch slide. I prefer DD.
  15. Man i was all :D till i saw that milk. Shit looks draggy as hell, It's gotta be your bowl though! Sick setup.
  16. one thing,steve should step up his game in the slide department,seeing as poeple pay top price,i like that hitman has switch to a dd slide,but then again it was on the turbine,so i think you need more flow for sure.

  17. Thanks man. Yeah it seems to hit better straight up.

    Yeah I've heard that the slide makes the world of difference. I've been trying to order a ben wilson bowl off ALT and my shipping address doesn't match my billing address. I need to get that shit figured out.

    Wow, crazy maybe it's just the vid or something. The set-up seems to have NO to drag to me, but then again I'm really high on hash :p

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