GC Heeeelp! LOL! Really, I need some help on deciding between 2 tubes i've been eyeballing. I own a MGW 24" fixed stem circ/10 arm. It's been good to me, but the 24" is a little tall for my liking and i've got some clams to drop on a nice tube. So... I am deciding between the Peyote Pillar, and the Stemline to a 12 arm tree. They both look to stack bubs like none other, but for the price I'd like to get some opinions. I live in Ark. so the likelihood of me knowing/meeting some one with either of these pieces(to try out) is slim to none! As for the function of the piece, this is my main concern. I had an ashcatch on my mgw but did not like the drag. So is there a major difference in the drag on these pieces? Another thing I had wondered about on the PP is about the straightline or the Hollowfoot, added drag/more perc? I'm not to hot on the natty splash, cause I like a lil Ice in my tube. Which neither have ice pinch, but seems like a gently placed cube wouldn't hurt the inv. splash. I realize that adjusting water levels I can change drag, I am just looking for some opinions on these stellar tubes. I was also wanting the piece I choose to have some work on it. I have seen a few worked Stem/12 online, but no idea on the PP. Has anyone seen a worked Peyote Pillar (besides the bridge)? Thanks GC, and if anyone has a piece such as these they'd like to come off, let me know. Srry for the long ass post, input much appreciated. Peace.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kckGPfJsj8]YouTube - Sovereignty Glass Peyote Pillar Snap[/ame] WAIT WHAT? Wtf did just happen?? It's so amazing I would prefer this over ANY tube just because of the insane creativity. I never hit either one of the tubes you mentioned but the only things I heard about the peyote pillar are 'smooth hit and amazing taste'..
I would like to bump this question and this thread because I want to know the exact same thing and this thread never got a well explained answer. Also do they still make the strait neck anymore cuz I really don't want that curved neck with the natty splash guard even though its a hollowfoot it's a turnoff for me. Thanks for any help pnp
your probably better off finding some one with a stem/8 and peyote then a stem/12 and peyote. not many people have stem/12's let alone a worked one.
My stem 12 is my favorite tube, when you pull on it, its just so smooth when it comes to the function of it. My straight tube peyote pillar, when it comes to function has a bit of a chug (which is not a bad thing that is just how pillars are) but I feel it delivers a smoother smoke, therefore allowing a fatter rip. It's hard to choose between these tubes but if the cops were standing with my pillar and stem12 and i had to pick the one they werent going to shatter, then I'd go with the stem12 lol. Im emotionally attached tho cuz the stem12 was my first. I'm not sure where you'd find one either, maybe they will start making them again..... who knows... I have no idea if they still make the straight pillars either, can't help you there.
Your best bet is finding a pillar. If you are asking how to find a stem/8 or 12 I can probably already assure you that you won't find one. Theres a chance if you drop some major coin to get a 8. You don't really seem to know much about SG besides the hype behind it. Theres tons of worked pillars around, way more than stem/8's. Also realize that a pillar isn't necessarily known for how smooth it is, rather its taste.
pillars are not very smooth, its nicely diffused but its such a big hit its sort of a lung buster, also has a nice hollow chug to it. stem 12 is way more airy and smooth, but good luck finding one. i personally on a stem 8 and prefer that as a daily driver over a pillar. but having said that, pillar is my next purchase. for you id say get a pillar, you will be happy with it, and from there try finding a stem 12. it will probably take you a while to track one down so save up while looking. good luck
I dont see a pillar as being smooth at all in comparison to stem 8/12's, but it does milk huge rips like gumby said that are quite flavorful and a unique hit. If you ever dab out of it, the flavor retention is like a piece half as large or diffused. Both are a nice cop
I have a stem/8 and a pillar too, stem/8 is still my daily driver lol It's all about what you want out of a tube. Pillars are unique, great flavor, nice chug. Stem/8's are more airy, clear fast, no drag. Both offer great diffusion. Watch videos on both and choose one. You can't go wrong either way. And good luck on finding a stem/12, I've been looking for awhile now.