sexy new pipe lol

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by god4gotmyname, Jun 9, 2009.

  1. Alright, so I just got this new piece. I know you're jealous, and that's okay.;):hippie:

    Attached Files:

  2. Sick piece dude.
    Bowl looks a bit small compared to its stem-leading-to-mouthpiece thing.

    Nice colors, looks pretty small because of the rubiks cube.
    Bet it hits like a champ ^^
  3. ermm, thats a one-hitter. i would rather use an apple.
  4. solve that rubiks cube, they're not that hard :p but nice little one hitter

  5. It isn't a one hitter, though I appreciate your incorrect assumptions followed by the "evolutionary failure" kind of insult. the hole that connects the bowl to the stem is comparatively big, and it does hit like a champ:D

    just found out, super easy to clean.:)
  6. Wait are you saying that's not a chillum :confused: I'm confused now man............
  7. It's definitely a one-hitter...the size of the bowl does not dictate a one hitter... it's the shape (just like a bong with a really small bowl would still be a bong). Pipes shaped like that are not for smoking regular bowls.
  8. Bro That IS a one hitter and/or chillum :rolleyes: :confused:
    Thats not a bad thing
  9. #9 god4gotmyname, Jun 9, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2009
    im not saying it isn't a chillum, but... it gets a good four or five hits so... i guess you decide.:confused_2:


    yeah, i guess it really isn't a bad thing; i still got what i paid for, but then people like onions make it hard for a peaceful conversation so i guess i just jumped into defence.
  10. Looks good, I sent you a PM.
  11. the amount of hits it gives doesnt dictate whether its a chillum or a one hitter. its just the way the pipe is constructed, its not a bad thing that its a chillum but thats definately what its called

  12. cool, dude. cool.:smoke:
  13. Is that a flag??
  14. :confused:is what a flag?:confused:

    one of the pictures?

  15. Def. A sick peice. how much did you pick it up for?
  16. lol, i gave $20 worth of something to my friend, and then he smoked a bowl with me cause i asked nicely. i decided i liked it and so i got it that way.:cool:

  17. In the first picture, it looks like a USA flag design in it.
  18. whoa whoa. a one hitter and a chillum are the same thing? i must disagree. because doesnt the term "one hitter" mean that it can only contain one hit?i own a chillum and a one hitter and i figure they are 2 reasonably different things.

    and to make sure i tested them:smoking:
  19. oh, yeah, im sorry my camera can't take very good pictures. right up close, those are just white specs instead of stars, and there isn't any blue except for the mouth-side tip, which is very faded light blue. so yeah, its just cool it doesn't like cater to the american flag or anything.

    honestly i wish my camera was better, because i think it looks much better up close than on a picture:(
  20. Aight i still see a flag, lol, maybe i'm just too baked. lol doesn't n e one else see it.

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