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sexy Mango's

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by younggrassmoker, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. whats up my fellow stondizzils

    today a friend told me that if you eat a mango 1 hour before you Sesh you will get very high. so i decided to test this out when i got home from work. so i ate the mango then waited. i had very little green left. i had around 0.1 of a gram of some dank. then i smoked it using a gravv b worked like a champskeis nice and ripped right now :smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke: every one should give this a try

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  2. yeah man :smoke:

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  3. Yeah the mango method definitely works, the more ripe the better :)
  4. Wait until the mango is mostly red... That's when it is most effective. Eat it approximately 45 minutes or so before you smoke.
  5. science link for this please. i want to belive but i need evidence or something. and i dont have a mango to try it with.
  6. cbf getting a link but search myrcene its a chemical in the mango a terpene i belive that crosses the blood brain barrier easyer then thc and other cannabinoids so they jump a ride thus more thc reaching you brain faster. i think :D deffs read up quite interesting

  7. This.
  8. Good luck finding a scientific study on this but from first hand experience it does work and I am fairly positive its not placebo. Like tidbitz said it has Myrcene in it which THC can bind to and get to the receptors easier. but this could be bullshit as this is just things Ive heard and not read.
  9. I see a mango binge in my future
  10. Only if you use a white lighter for your sess... :)
    • Like Like x 1
  11. take some mango juice mix it with cannabutter.
    use one of those syringe for food without the needles.
    inject it into your anus.u will get sooo high:D
  12. Damn. This thread title is misleading.
  13. I've heard of this, and also heard the suggestion that if you smoke, wait like 30 mins to an hour and eat a mango, it will re-up your high and make it last longer. Haven't tried it, but I'll probably be buying some mangoes soon!:D
  14. I actually did once come across a legit scientific article about the mango trick, but I can't seem to find it :(

    I think I had it bookmarked on my old PC just for the naysayers.
  15. ya it worked great every one should try this

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