Sexy ass girl at my gym

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by StonedLion, Jan 13, 2014.

  1. Guys like this are really creepy. You really think this fucking girl wants to go out with some punk who hit her up at a gym? No dude... maybe thats why she fucking mentioned she had a boyfriend within 5 seconds of meeting you. Take a god damn hint bro...

  3. Wedensday came, and wedensday passed. No update! What happened?
  4. Dialogue between men and women -- just like within the political arena -- means nothing. Each side is always holding back, always hedging what they say.
    The fact that she mentioned she has a BF may not mean what it sounds like. Maybe she said it to test your reaction. Maybe she's on the edge with the guy and is testing the waters. She might want to know how you would react to her already being involved.
    Who knows what she's really thinking? Nobody, except her. Play it along and see what happens. Sometimes a woman in that position has no intention whatsoever of cheating, but if one is persistent enough it can happen anyway.
  5. Keep flirting with her but don't cross the line.
    Wait for the boyfriend to fuck up :smoking:
    6'5"  200lbs?
    Do you mean body builder or a frail man a barn fan would blow over? :smoking:
  7. #27 IvGotMilk, Jan 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2014
    I don't think a relationship with this girl is on his mind lol
    And OP don't shit where you eat!!! just saying

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