first time poster .. sorry if I’m wrong spot . I’m looking at a male here correct? I’m pretty sure but would like some opinions before I trash him and focus on other two I’m hoping are female .. thanks for any help
So disappointing.. thought so .. but I have two others short and a lot more leafy that haven’t showed any signs yet I’m hoping are female
Definitely a boy. I had one that didnt show signs of sex untill arround day 50ish. I was super bummed 2 find out it was a boy cause it sure was a beefy plant lol. Sent from my LM-X210(G) using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Thanks everyone.. thought so just needed someone to confirm bad news It happens oh well Don’t see much on other 2 hoping for females
If its got some good genes use it for some breeding haha. I usually use a couple for some experimenting in my spare tent lol Sent from my LM-X210(G) using Grasscity Forum mobile app