sexing help (sorry)

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by budstud13, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. i have 4 plants in a 5 gal bucket germd on jan1 kept on 24/0 with 4 42w 6500k cfls till the 11th then switched them to 12/12 and added a 60w 2700k bulb (all actual watts) i have looked up every sexing post i could find on gc and they are very informative but i just cant seem to find what im looking for on my plants. today i noticed this on one of them and i think its a male but want a more to be sure any help is greatly appreciated
  2. OK, a few things:

    You have 4 plants in the same 5-gal bucket? If so get them separated into their own homes, 1 plant per pot.

    You just germed on Jan 1 and flipped to 12/12 on Jan 11? Then most likely you are way early to see sex.

    Sounds like your lighting right now is mostly 6500k, that's not real good for flowering, swap those out for 2700k. The 60w 2700k you have, is that a CFL? Not familiar with 60w actual.

    That pic is way too blurry to tell anything. You need clear focus as close as you can get right in the nodes.
  3. i was hoping to make sure of the sex and then just kill off everything but my best female. its a 40 wat cfl replaces a 300 watt incandescent. im two weeks into 12/12 theyre about a foot tall. do you think it would hurt anything for me to keep 2 plants in there? ill try and get a bette pic but my camera isnt very good. btw thanks for the help toasty

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  4. is this pic any better?
  5. Still blurry move it back just a bit.
  6. I hate to say but those look like nut clusters man. Are there white pistils coming out of the cluster? From that last pic it looks to be a dude.
  7. its ok if it is im over populated anyways. how sure are you. do you think i should go ahead and pull it? hopefully they dont all turn out that way. thanks for the advice
  8. I mean you can keep it to be sure but as soon as the balls start to open and see the nanners kill it. Chances are they will not all turn out that way but you never know.
  9. thanks rusty based on your advice ill wait a couple days before i do anything
  10. Actually I wouldn't even wait a couple of days dude, I would wait 1 more day. Those look pretty damn obvious to be males today, tomorow you should know 100%. I know it sucks, but you need to get it out of there to save the rest of the crop!
  11. Gun to my head, gotta go with male.

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