Sex on every encounter

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by Novek, Jun 15, 2011.

  1. Do you have sex EVERYTIME you see your S/O? If you live with them you are exempt.
  2. Yeah, when I was with my S/O, usually we would.
  3. First one, yes always, super unhealthy relationship.
    Didnt have sex with anyone I've dated since hahha cause ive been single but last guy we were a thing I guess whatever we wouldn't every time cause we'd be with friends and we aren't gonna run off n fuck lmao but whatever makes people happy and until the guy was jealous asshole and I dropped him it was healthy at not every time, however, if I lived with the person Itd be a different case
  4. I wish!!
    But it isn't possible in every situation. Time constraints, location, etc.
    I'll make it a new goal, though. Starting now.
  5. ummm, what?
  6. Hmm, usually. Besides those annoying 4-5 days if you nah mean.

    Sometimes twice.

    Sometimes thrice.
  7. I went with option two. Not every single time we hang out do we have sex , but most times we do and most times its assumed. Of course there are times we are both tired, or we're out with friends and such.
  8. absolutely.

    we only get to be together on weekends, so after a week of not see each other pretty much the first thing we do when we walk in his front door is get naked and fuck.

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