Setting up my 360.

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by CaliGrown., Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Hey guys, kinda new to the gaming scene. This is my first game console since Sega Genesis, so I'm a little behind the most up to date equipment. I recently bought the 360 for myself as an early Christmas present, sat down on Sunday to set it up after the game, and realized I forgot a very essential part of the Xbox live set up; the whole set up! I was planning on connecting it to our computer in the office, but after purchasing a new desk and bookshelf, there just isn't any more room in there.
    So, tonight I'm going to buy the set up. I already ordered an Acer Aspire last night, so phase one complete. Now for the questions.
    I need to buy a wireless router. Linksys is the best I've heard, any other opinions?
    After that I'm going to need the wireless adapter for the 360 and an ether cord?
    The whole set up will be desktop with wireless router, 360 with wireless adapter, correct?

    Those are just the thoughts of a compu-tard, sorry if most of it didn't make any sense. If anyone else has any thoughts on a different set up or if you want to enlighten me on new equipment or a more efficient set up, PLEASE chime in. Your opinion and advice are always welcome.

  2. Get yourself a "Net Gear" router. Few people that I know have had nothing but problems with linksys. As far as hooking it up wirelessly, you're gonna have to go out and buy the "360 Wireless Connecter" and that thing is 100$.
  3. If you are running an xbox 360 and a computer on a wireless network, the cheapest route is to hook your internet to a router, then straight into the xbox 360, as a wired connection.

    This way you won't have to buy the wireless adapter for your 360 (costs around 80 bucks), and you can just use a built in wireless card on your computer (most new ones have them), or you can do what I did and purchase a zonet usb wireless receiver from newegg for $25 if your pc doesn't have a built in wireless card.

    So you can spend : $80 for wireless xbox adapter, plus another $60 for a decent wireless router.....

    Or, you can go the route I did and get a very nice linksys router for $60, and spend $25 on a wireless usb receiver for your computer. (even less if you already have a built in wireless card, as most pcs come with them now)

    Sorry if that was long winded, but I believe most of it made sense. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

    Oh and I have a linksys router and it works great if you set it up the way I did.
  4. I have a wireless Linksys router, and it does the job great. The one i had before this was another Linksys also i'm pretty sure, so they're really all i've tried out. No complaints from me though
  5. yea id get ethernet cables

    fuck that 100$ wireless shit
  6. #6 CaliGrown., Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2010
    Thanks for the replies, guys.
    Well, as of right now I don't have my computer hooked up wirelessly. I have a cable modem. Would I be able to buy a cheaper modem and hook it up in my cave, and hook my laptop up straight to that modem, and my xbox straight to my laptop using an ether cable, by passing the desktop in my office? That is what I would like, ideally, but I was hoping not to take the wireless route.

    Once again, sorry for the confusion, all. I just want to have my 360 and laptop in my cave, while keeping my desktop in my office, all while trying to save a buck and learn a thing or 2.

    Edit: I noticed a USB port on the back of my modem. Is that wireless USB receiver capable of being plugged into the modem? Then all I would need is the wireless adapter for the 360, correct? Or would I still need the wireless router, thus eliminating the need for the USB receiver, and putting me back in the position of buying the router and adaptor, anyways?
  7. #7 SeanyCash, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2010
    Hook the modem up near your xbox 360, and then plug your modem into a wireless router, and then plug an ethernet cable from your router into the back of your xbox 360. Then, you can just use the wireless card on your laptop to pick up the signal, and for your pc in the other room get one of those zonet usb wireless receivers. So you should only need to buy a decent wireless router, and the zonet adapter, which together should only be like 85 bucks. Does that help at all? or did I misunderstand your question?

    Oh and why don't you want to take the wireless route? You will still get an excellent signal, so connection speed is not an issue with this wireless setup i speak of.

    I was going to post a diagram of what I am talking about, but it wont let me. If you want I can send it to you in an email.

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