Today was a normal day... except for what i'm about to tell you. So i was hitting my pipe just chilling having a nice relaxing smoke.. Smoked about 3 bowls of some mids. everything was normal.. I went into the kitchen to look for some food. Then before I know... I didn't even know what happened but I think i has a seizure.. I thought my life was over my legs where acting all weird and i smacked my face on the counter on my way to the floor... I had to lay down on the couch then i almost passed out. I have no fucking idea what happened but anyone have a similair experience? or can anyone shed some light on my accident. BTW. i have a black eye and my knee is bruised.
smoking does raise your blood pressure but thats the only thing i can remember that it does to you.....besides get you baked... so maybe it has something to do with your heart? or did you take any medicine? i had some crazy shit happen to me after i took benadryl and smoked thought i was dieing.... dunno though if it happens again i'd go ask my doctor
i didnt take anything that should have fucked me up.. just a few ibuprofen it might be my blood pressure... im not the healthiest guy i could be.
doesn't ibuprofen thin the blood? i think it might but i'm not 100% sure....(might want to research it) but if it does thin the blood that with the increased blood pressure might be to blame?
no i usually smoke a cigarillo but for some reason in Utah you have to be 19 to buy tobacco. wtf? and i've smoked 3 bowls of the dankest of dank in a session before and this never happened.
My friend has fainted twice a little bit after he smoked weed. Kinda scary but he won't go to the doctor for it.
Very odd. I'm no doctor though so it just might be blood pressure. Do you feel any after effects from this strang occurence?
yes ibuprofin(sp) thins the blood and maybe you got like a major head rush man. like when you bend down then come up and you like almost pass out...... idk man hope things get better
then thats probably it....dont take ibuprofin next time and see what happens if nothing happens i'd say thats it
I was leaning towards stroke, but you have no after effects. Now I'm almost positive you had a really strong head rush. Sounds like you'll live a couple more years, keep tokin', but know your limit.
I knew I've heard of this happening before. Your post reminded me. A kid I know was telling me once. How he had just finished smoking on his couch. He was stoned as hell. He stood up quickly, got a head rush, then fainted. I am almost certain that this is what happened to you.
1) maybe you stood up too quick 2) maybe you were too high 3) maybe you passed out due to hunger or low blood sugar or dehydration. (you were at the fridge and all) i doubt it was a seizure or a stroke. Passing out can feel pretty fucked up but if it was a stroke youd know it.
My grandma has a series of mini strokes, and she had no clue what happend to her. So I believe that knowing you had a stroke may not always be true. Again...I'm no doctor.
shouldnt have been a head rush because i was already standing for a few minutes... but before i fell down.. I felt that high like the first time when i would fade in and out not knowing anything really.. finding it hard to focus.
Okay man come clean was it weed or crack you wer smokin??? ive passed out due to low blood sugar a couple times and you seriously lose control of your body its fucked up. Maybe you are hypoglycemic? its very common
Hmmm... I think its time for you to start googling your symptoms. Starting to get weirder. (I still think you had a head rush, somehow.) It couldn't hurt googling, ya mean?
Those are called 'head rushes'. Ive had a headrush about ten minutes after. That was only once though.