is anyone else noticing that like 1/4 of the front page in the box is all shut down threads of people asking about dosage and breaking other rules?....perhaps some people are creating dummy accounts and purposely doing it to get the box shut down?
It's possible that people are making shitty posts just to make a bad name for the box, but i dont think that's why there are so many getting deleted. Fact is that there have always been posts in the box that break the rules, it's just now that the mods are sitting on the box waiting for someone to slip up.
yeah i understand that, but ever since the mods really mentioned it and talked about the box maybe shutting seems there is a HUGE increase in the threads and posts breaking the rules..
Or maybe just an increase in policing, not necessarily an increase in # of threads. I hope the Box stays open.
wont be closed, but itll be pretty much dead. they wont allow the discussion of any other drugs besides cannabis on gc. things have been getting better, more ppl are following the rules, helping making sure others do, and reporting others who dont. thats a big part of why ya see more of the threads shut down cause ppl let the mods know right away
i understood what others were saying but the way you just explained it made the most sense. thanks everyone