Seriously need to vent this out...WOW

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by Five By Five, Jan 10, 2012.

  1. So it's not a huge secret in the City that my boyfriend was treating me like the dirt on the bottom of his shit-kickers. I finally kicked him to the curb, when he got mad at me for not being horny enough (again), and now he's been reduced to nothing more than a blocked number to me.

    i had been secluding myself from most people, due to the fact that i can't smoke weed right now (probation). I've even stopped hanging out with my best friend, because half of the stuff that comes out of her mouth is about getting stoned or finding unmentionables.

    So yesterday I got a message on facebook from an old friend of mine, Benny. He told me my old best friend had been trying to find me, but he's computer illiterate and has no clue how to navigate facebook.

    So Mini Sean (my old bff) made a facebook just so we could talk and catch back up.

    tonight he called me, and all he said was "I need to see you as soon as possible."

    I found a sitter, and went to his place. His whole house had changed, and yet was different, due to it going through the great flood of 2008. It still smelled like high school. It didn't feel like high school anymore, though.

    Mini Sean had always had a bit of crush on me, but i had shoved him deep into the friendzone over and over again, no matter how perfect he seemed for me. We rarely disagree on anything, we have practically everything in common, and enough differences between us to keep things interesting.

    Before we could even hug, we kissed.

    We spent the first hour cuddling in bed with his super sweet dog. We spent the next hour talking about how he's in love with me and isn't afraid to tell me anymore, and then.....

    ....well, and then, he quite seriously, asked me to marry him.

    Tonight he did and said all the things I'd be wanting a guy to do and say my entire life. I told him I would marry him, if he would be down to wait until the night of our wedding to bump uglies. He was seriously okay with it.

    I've always liked him a lot, and yes, I'll admit, for a long time I was in love with him, but our friendship was always so strong, and I had a tendency to date his friends. I never wanted to fuck that up.

    Would being with him really fuck it up, though? Or enhance it? this is crazy. I mean, I couldn't just agree to marry someone I've only been friends with for the last 5 years, right? Especially since for one of those years we weren't even talking....right?

    whatever. My head and heart are spinning with a happiness that i haven't felt since i first discovered how awesome weed is. And this is a guy who smokes weed, but hides all of his shit while i'm there and totally abstains from smoking before he sees me, because he knows how easily tempted I am. Total. opposite. of. previous. asshole.

    I feel like this right now:

    He's coming over for lunch tomorrow. I think I'm going to make grilled cheese and tomato soup.
  2. Sounds like you're sort of rebounding; you're comparing this new guy to the old guy which is influencing your feelings greatly. Take it slow, talking about marriage at this point is ridiculous.
  3. more so fun to think about than anything else.

    and you might be right. i wouldn't want to use him as a rebound, i respect him so much more than most men.

    Like...he's actually a man. a real gentleman. taking things slow is a good idea. i think I might write that on my hand as a reminder, to be perfectly honest, because i so badly don't want to fuck this up :eek:
  4. Try to be level-headed, don't get too infatuated with the idea that he's going to be the end-all guy just because he treats you better than your ex. Just try to keep your ex off your mind, getting over him is going to be the best for you both.
  5. you feel like a retarded dog? but seriously take it slow, and talk to people who know you not people on the interweb. you ex bf is just young and in his prime, sex is like hunger to a man, just a basic instinct he need to satisfy. just be friends with the guy and don't sleep with him and see how long he sticks around for. good luck

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