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Serious question

Discussion in 'General' started by thisisamerica, Oct 16, 2014.

  1. Seriously when you use a public bathroom do you put your bare ass on the toilet seat or do you put down a layer of protection?

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  2. I sit down on the seat BUTT NAKED. Does this offend you OP?
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  3. i ac slater that shit 
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  4. Ass to seat every time.
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  5. Nope I'd rather get started 10 seconds sooner lol
  6. When I take a shit, it is the toilet that is afraid, not me.
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  7. Sub'd. I can tell this thread is going places. I dont shit in public and if its an emergency then I ain't got time for layin paper
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  8. I always put down a layer of protection. I doubt it really does anything, but oh well

    Happy toking!

    Sent from four score and seven years ago
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  9. I've got more concerning things to think about.

    Besides, it's not like I'm rubbing those ass germs on my face or anything. I'd be more worried about touching things in public with my hands. People can be gross.
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  10. Tp layer every time.... I don't want some crusty old fat fucks slimy ass juice to touch my butt

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  11. I used tp and hand sanitizer to clean the seat off then I use it bare ass.
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  12. Hot tip: If you lick the seat first, the tp + ass won't slide around as much.
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  13. i try my hardest not to use public bathrooms but when i do i always use the seat cover, and if its not there then i'll squat..

    i had no idea so many people didnt use em... ya'll nasty lol
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    this is me also. And more than one layer.
    Amen to that sista! y'all nasty hahahah :smoking:
  15. #15 ExcretingCretin, Oct 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 16, 2014
    If you guys havent heard already, you can stand on the tank and squat backwards over the toilet. This is called dive bombing. Because if youre drunk, you end up diving in.

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  16. I will not use public facilities for any reason.  I keep a roll of tp in my vehicle on all road trips and I will find a clean piece of countryside and do a bit of soil nutrient replenishment.
  17. I check to see if there is piss or anything on the seat first, if there is then I wipe that off and put a layer of tp. If not, then I shit ass to seat.

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  18. If you have to use a protection layer in the public restroom you will never survive nuclear fallout. :cool:
  19. I sit right down, but if there's water or piss on the seat I'll wipe it off first.
    Unless it's REALLY gross, then I'll do the hover.

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