So my friend has a credit card but it's on his parents account and he is allowed to use it for whatever. He has order a ton of stuff online and they have never said anything (Incredibowl, vape, etc.) so he ordered me a bong off GC that I really wanted $250 and his parents flipped and said he had to send it back an all this shit, but we couldn't have this thing come allllll the way from Amsterdam and just be returned so I told him to try and get the package before them and say it never came and just give his mom the cash and be done with it. So it came and he has it, (parents don't know) but his mom said that if it doesn't show up she is filing a lawsuit against GC? So I said to try an just get her to take the money and say it never came.... I really just don't want to send it back do please don't give me a ton of SEND IT BACK crap I'm looking for advice or other helpful comments but I think I may have to send it back
Hahahahahah file a lawsuit? I'm sorry but what a bitch. I'd just send it back if she is going to take it that seriously...
Well now you and you're friend know not to fuck with his parents credit card. If they don't want him buying bongs and pipes with it then that's the way it is. But your friends mom can't file a lawsuit that would hold up in court against gc, its not their fault your friend used his parents cc without their permission. the most she could do is say her card was used freuduantly (sp?) And get the money reimbursed orrrr you can come clean to your friends mom and say you asked him to buy you some things online and you'd pay him back with cash.
His parents let home smoke and she was pissed he didn't ask to buy it, she also knows it was for me but doesn't want to make a huge ordeal out of it
If she doesn't want to make an ordeal, why doesn't she just take the money and let you keep the binger?
The lawsuit is a damn joke and i'm sure his parents know that they just want to put some fear in ya. If they let him smoke I don't see why you can't have a civilized conversation about it and give her the money on the spot. Maybe it is a corporate card or something or job sensitive.
GC will find out because this thread then it'll be your fault...for getting your friend in trouble don't be selfish..
If I paid 250 for a bong and it never came and the company wouldn't refund my money what would be wrong with bringing it to court?
[quote name='"Bombur"'] If I paid 250 for a bong and it never came and the company wouldn't refund my money what would be wrong with bringing it to court?[/quote] Um..the bong came. His friend has it, and that friends mom is threatening to file a lawsuit against GC if said bong is not sent back I believe. Op just wants to make up some story about not getting the bong, to save his ass.
[quote name='"Bombur"'] And him and his friend hid it and said it didn't come.[/quote] want him to commit fraud?
Wtf are you talking about? All I said is the the parents are being reasonable in saying they would take the matter to court, because for all they know the bong didn't come and they aren't getting a refund. I was responding to those making fun of the parents' claim in court, trying to point out that for all they know they got ripped off. Try reading a little better next time before you put words in my mouth lol
[quote name='"Bombur"'] Wtf are you talking about? All I said is the the parents are being reasonable in saying they would take the matter to court, because for all they know the bong didn't come and they aren't getting a refund. I was responding to those making fun of the parents' claim in court, trying to point out that for all they know they got ripped off. Try reading a little better next time before you put words in my mouth lol[/quote] But as other posters were saying once the court saw that the bong did come and the kids hid it they would laugh them out of court
I believe that is what their getting at..ripping off the parents and using GC as a scapegoat lol...this will never hold up in court due to all this evidence that is now circulating the internet LOL. Your only option is to say that it came and you already returned it and give your friends mom the money and hope she buys it...if she's a milf she may also require your dick as part of the payment to keep this quiet...
I never denied this, I was just saying his parents weren't stupid for making the comment about going to court, seeing as they ha no idea they didn't get ripped off. I never said the actual case would hold up, everyone just took that from my post I guess. Some people just struggle with reading comprehension