Serial killers

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by smoky14, Jan 28, 2011.

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  1. This is something that really interests me, and was wondering if any of you blades know any serial killers or had any sort of experience with them. Please share your stories:smoke:
  2. you scare me.

    but no anyone who did is either now dead or dying right now.
  3. #3 garrison68, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2011
    David Berkowitz, AKA Son of Sam, who shot victims in New York from 1976 through 1977. The Brooklyn neighorhood that I lived in was on alert, because one of his attacks took place there. The popular discos at the time (Saturday Night Fever was partially filmed in Brooklyn) were losing business due to this, and some bars and discos hired "escorts" (no doubt armed) to drive women home safely. Berkowitz is still in jail, and it is reported that he is a born-again Christian.
  4. kid that went to my high school killed his whole family , he was not a famous serial though, but i really did not know him he was a couple years younger than me , but he apparently was very mentally ill and his eyes always bothered me, sorta like he was not really all there ..... truly tragic
  5. As a kid they were my idols. Mainly because 1. they had to out think the entire world to pull off a good murder. 2. they had to be atleast somewhat smart 3. is the power it shows idk there is just an amazing feeling knowing that noone can catch you and you can end anyone you want anyway you like anytime.
    4. they also had to be pretty crazy like me :p

    5. i was a fucked up lil kid lol
  6. I love learning about serial killers. I'm always watching documentaries about them, read a few interesting books as well.

    Plus, Jeffrey Dahmer is a local.
  7. Did you know there are only around 50 "serial killers" in U.S. at given moment?

    I always thought it would be more than that...

    Woulden't wanna know one:(
  8. When and where did this happen? What was his name?
  9. I've never known a serial killer, specifically... they're pretty hard to come by.

  10. I call bullshit.

    And I don't know any serial killers n I'd like it to stay that way.
  11. serial killers are scum
  12. Truth
  13. #13 kG_Blazed, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2011
    You guys might know John Wayne Gacy. He raped and murdered 33 "young men" in a span of 6 years during the 70's. He used to dress up as a clown and attend fundraisers. He buried 26 guys in his crawl space.

    My old man, who was a teenager at the time got invited over to his house with some friends. Apparently, Gacy was a "cool" guy and even gave my old man and his friends some bud. When they left, Gacy slipped all of 'em a business card. They never called him. The bodies were all in the house at the time.

    When I think about it, I might not even have existed because of this guy :(


  14. There sure as Hell more than 1 serial killer in every state, that's why I called bullshit.
  15. I don't "know" any serial killers..I don't think anyone that does would post about them, but I did get out of high school for a couple days because of the DC snipers (though they're more like spree killers)

    I kill cereal, then drink its milky blood, does that count?

  16. Well that's because if you know you came across a serial killer they
    suck at what they do....
  17. Wow, a thread specifically calling me ^^.

    I did a 5month project on serial killers. If you need any info on any of them, let me know.
    I know probably the most about them.

    If you guys are bored, look up 'Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka'.
    Canadian killers ...........................^..........................^. The stories quite fucked too..its a good read.
  18. I grew up in vallejo, the zodiac serial killer lived in my city for a while
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