I don't know if this should go here or in 'DIY' so sorry if it's misplaced. Ok to start off, The grow area is 4ft W by 5ft L and 6'8 ft tall. I need a veg area ( able to fit a mother, and a clone tray) I also need a flower area ( able to fit all my clone) Doing a SOG style grow, a bunch of small clones in those red party style cups, and I just want to fill my whole flower area with as many as I could fit in. So I'm going to need a pretty much light proof way of doing this, I don't want any light leaking when one of the rooms are in dark period. So I'm trying to figure out ways to do this. Both areas need to be pretty easily accesible. Any and all input is appreciated. Thanks! Also - Here are a few pics of my area ( closet ) so you can have a better idea.
sexy shoes man i like the room.. and you have done well with the mylar... is there a budget? if i had money.. i'd leave the room the way you have it.. purchase a small tent just for a mother plant... and throw some low watt CFL's in there... and continue to use your awesome room for growing if you have building skills... build a box...has to be light tight, this is why i choose a tent