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Sent To Rehab and Brain Washed

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by 420greyhound, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. After smoking for over 30 years, I was hit with a random drug screen by my employer a few months ago. I was given the choice of either rehab or get fired. I never gave them a reason to do this; I showed up for work every day, on time and had 5 years of excellent performance reviews.

    I went to rehab, for brain washing. It sucked big time...mostly 18-30 year olds with hereoine, crack or meth issues.

    Anyway, I successfully finished (according to the rehab's standards). After returning to work for 2 weeks, I was "laid off". I don't care about that so much becuase the job was boring and I received a nice severance pay, plus I get unemployment benefits.

    Now I am scared to smoke. I want to but I've been brain washed into guilt and thinking I did a terrible thing. The crap I had to make up and admit to sucked. For example, I had to describe some of the "consequences" of my drug use. So I told them I got so high that I forgot to pick up my mom from bingo. I never did anything like that but that's the kind of shit that the people that run rehab want to hear.

  2. Hahaha who gives a shit what those whores at rehab told you? You know what's good, and that it was all bullshit. Smoking weed isn't hurting you or anyone around you. It isn't wrong. There's nothing to feel guilty about.
  3. Write down all the REAL pros and cons of how weed has impacted your life. Reflect on what you wrote down, I think it will help. Be honest on both sides.
  4. Just kick back and relax man.. You are a free man.. You have no need to worry about stuff right now.. Just smoke some weed and do something you really enjoy, i.e music or slammin' a clam :laughing: :smoking:
  5. id properly go smash a goony see how that goes for you
  6. Smoking weed won't get rid of the guilt, it may just make you feel more guilty for doing it.

    What you need, my friend is realization. Realization that weed IS vilified in our society, it's like being left handed in a few hundred years ago. Something was wrong with you. But we obviously know nothing is wrong with left handed people.

    Don't let them make you think that weed is a bad thing, it really isn't and you probably know it isn't.

    It's pretty much, what one would call, bullshit.
  7. Only you yourself knosw how marijuana really makes you feel. You cant let these uninformed people tell you what to feel guilty about.
  8. Like others have said, make a list of REAL pros and cons, but be honest, even on the cons.

    I did this when I got back into smoking, and found that my list had GREATLY changed from how it effected me when I quit (because back then I stopped enjoying the way it effected me), and that the pros far outweighed the cons.
  9. Go smoke and come back to us.

    You'll realize you made the right decision.
  10. Ha I got sent to rehab and almost felt bad about smoking. Realize that smoking only supports your everyday wellness and there is nothing harmful about it. unless you make it harmful.(ex- stealing money to buy it, stealing nug from people) stuff like that. Smoking weed is obviousely not physically addictive so it cannot be compared to any other drug because anything nice can be mentally addictive(ex-spoons,video games,chainsaws) so dont think that if you start again your a so-called "Addict" for starting again. Dont let some gay ass rehab fuck with your mind.
  11. I have the cure! :D

    Click that first link in my sig and just read the titles- all of them! Cannabis is SO MUCH MORE than "just" a way to get high! :smoke:

    Your body produces endocannabinoids that work like THC! THC and anandamide activate the same receptors in your body. If you don't make enough anandamide, all sorts of bad things happen!

    Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency (full - 2004)
    Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency (CECD) - Russo

    THC can fill in for anandamide if you are deficient! This is why cannabis can heal you- it mimics your own body's biochemical defenses to kill cancer, prevent depression and more!

    They have filled your head with lies! Time to learn the truth! Educate yourself! :yay:

    Granny :wave:

  12. The stuff they tell you in there is complete and utter BULLSHIT.
    I always just wore sunglasses in mine so they couldn't tell if I was paying attention or not.

    Forget everything they told you and just move on with your life.
  13. only problem with weed is that u spend money on it and it can ruin u life if u do nothing but smoke . Just dont be a lazy smoker and your fine.
  14. Bob Saget said it best, have yu ever sucked d1€k for some weed? If not, you're good to go.
  15. Orange Papers

    Read this and deprogram yourself from the lies told by the cult of AA.
  16. Theyre full of shit. If youre not an addict, you shouldnt be at rehab. Just because your employer basically forces you to go to rehab (or lose your job) doesnt mean youre an addict.

    Their logic and reasoning is flat out wrong. Only serious addicts should be in rehab, the daily pot smoker isnt comitting a real crime or causing damage to society. Using hard drugs can be damaging to the body, but marijuana is one of the safest substances there is.

    Theres nothing to feel guilty about. There isnt anything wrong with getting high as long as it doesnt take over your life.
  17. what if weed is only thing making u take care of u self and wanting to do stuff ?
  18. Honestly I hate the way rehab works, I had friends go and all they did before was smoke pot and drink, and try a few pills once or twice, when they came back they tried pcp, benzos, cocaine, just about any drug you can think of, just because they met people there who did those things and found out how to get them, it changed them :( I just want my old friends back now they've quit smoking besides drinking due to probation drug tests but they are still just kinda different, so fuck rehab it's a horrible idea for us who enjoy the herb, it corrupts people

  19. That's kind of when it becomes a problem.

    At least it's weed and not heroine or crack:cool:
  20. just rationalise it... the only reason anyone goes to rehab for weed is, like you, to get off facing worse consequences - its just a game. Whatever they told you about 'drug use' in rehab wasnt referring to weed at all, it was aiming to scare people out of crack and heroin (fair enough). It wasnt really directed at you at all, you just happened to be there, listening to other peoples problems - not your own :)

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