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Sensi Star Pickup

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by ChavoSS, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. Whatup GC, I havent posted on here ina while, jus thought id post up some pix of what was left of an 1/8th of sm Sensi Star I picked up not too long ago. Enjoy the pix, yea theyre a lil leafy but still dank buds, and got me blazedd. :smoking:

    Attached Files:

  2. hows the smell on that
  3. its got a strong skunky smell 2 it
  4. skunk is my favrite
  5. lookin amazing dude. i bet thats way sticky
  6. looks great, I just grabbed some hairy sticky icky myself :smoking:
  7. Very sticky, didnt even wanna separate in the grinder, n thanks guys

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