Senior choir 'sings' hiphop classics

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by head dead, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. I really hope no one posted this, I have seen it now for a couple months and well seeing as I normally post in rate the hip hop thread, I wanted to spread this through something more people would see (and I doubt it rates higher than a 3).

    Should go hella viral, tweet or facebook or myspace this. The description basically says it happened at a retreat hosted by seniors, as the start of their talent show. I really respect the idea that they were putting forward; somethign to do with transcending generational gaps... Enjoy

    [ame=]YouTube - Senior Adult Choir Hip Hop (Short Version)[/ame]

  2. Wow I love how enthusiastic everyone is too. I guess that's kind of mean, because it was admirable, but at the same time laughably horrible.
  3. wtf who picked the songs?? ridin dirty? god damn that ain't classic
  4. okay 2000 late hits... except I would say mc hammer is a classic, so is lose yourself, Outkast is classic but that song is kinda new.. I dont think ridin dirrrty (lol.) is a classic nor should it be listened to. Except when it is sung by my grandparents :D
  5. Haha can't hate on that man. But for real I was hopin to see someone drop heat on the mic, one of them grandmas rapping some biggie or something, but it's still cool.

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