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Sending my baby to get fixed.

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by locc 2ThA brain, Aug 31, 2008.

  1. I had my Toro sitting on a chair, and then but of fucking course, the once in a lifetime 5.8 earthquake hit Chino or whatever and shocked into SD and knocked my baby off the chair. She bounced about 4-5 switching from lip to foot, each side hitting the stone floor. I honestly was not scared for the tube, I know it sustained 0 damage, and I expected it would considering it is so goddamn thick. Both percs were shattered and my Toro ice-pinch bowl broke as well, but that's it.

    Anyways, it's still hittable, so I will have 1 more sesh with her before I clean and send back to the Toro factory or whatever to get fixed.


  2. lol that sucks that an earthquake broke your bong. but other than that, very nice tube.
    i swore you meant your gonna send a baby, like a child, to a vet to get fixed.

    "Sending my baby to get fixed" maybe my minds not right
  4. i remember that piece of shit earthquake.i was all blazed watching tv the my fucking house started to shake
  5. hahahah i was in cali for 5 days and the last day i was like it would be fuckin cool if there was an earthquake and then that shit happned i didnt real feal it as much as i heard it i was in newport beach

    btw cali is the fuckin shit i love that place:hello::hello::hello:
  6. What is wrong with it?

    edit: nevermind didnt see huge ass post above explaining haha.
  7. It might tale a while to get back. I hear that are stacked. You should get a worked section done. Oh and how much did that cost ya? I have been looking for one like crazy.
  8. 450 for tube with stock diffy and ice pinch slide. I can hook you up with a place that can send you one just like mine, just PM me.

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