Senator Schumer... sigh :(

Discussion in 'Politics' started by mkatz6693, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. [ame=]YouTube - Sen. Schumer on the Three Branches of Government[/ame]

    the guy thinks the three branches of government are the house, senate, and the president.

    why are our own politicians completely uneducated about the structure of our government. its pretty messed up.
  2. OMG what a fucking idiot!!!

    these are the fucking retards that we elect. if this isn't proof that democracy is a gigantic fail then i am not sure what is!

    as to his points.....the things that he is afraid of would be great for this country. shut down the gub, refuse to fund entitlements, defund the military...all of it would be the best thing for us in the long run!
  3. 3 branches of government are the Media, Executive branch and Federal Reserve.

  5. :laughing: now wouldn't that make a great bumper sticker.
  6. Whoa, wait just a minute!

    If we shut down the government, you mean we wouldn't be able to pick up social security checks?!

    Oh man, shit just hit the fan.
  7. Who's we?

    You get social security checks now?

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