For thousands of generations Human beings have witnessed visions of passed ancestors, had crazy visions of the afterlife, that were powerful enough to create numerous of religions there are today. Thousands of years ago people knew that reality wasn't necessarily what met the eye. They regarded everything that they didn't understand as "supernatural". We do now know that reality inst what it seems. Matter isn't as solid as we think. We are all on a frequency of energy. Sub-atomically we are are all 99 percent empty and even what little matter there is, is constantly jumping into and out of existence. Were no more real, or less real that radio, or tv signals. There are an infinite ammount of frequencies, yet we are limited to a very tiny range as human beings. We are experiencing a mere spec of reality. Life After Death - Scientific What if the mind and brain are separate? That means consciousness can exist outside the physical body. Neuro-scientists have yet to figure out where actual thought comes from. What if it comes from outside this body? People who experience NDE's are clinically dead, Meaning: no breathing, no heart beat, and zero brain activity. Depending on conditions people can be in this state for minutes, to an hour before they are unable to revive. There is no brain activity, and therefore no capability of thought, but these people still come back talking about meeting loved ones, being at peace, and there consciousness (expanding through the universe.) People have had NDE's on hospital tables and been able to walk around the room and tell everyone exact details later that match up exactly to what happened in real life. Religious preference dosent seem to influence these visions either. Could it really be just mass hallucinations due to overstressing the brain? Alduous Huxely stated after a powerful psychedelic experience that he could not rationalize afterword as a matter of simple brain chemistry, that the brain simply acts as a "consciousness reduction valve" regulating imput from an outside source. Scientific evidence for survival of consciousness after death TLDR Sorry, high and drunk as fuck. Decided to post some shit about the afterlife. Damn now my explanation is too long to read
It's an interesting theory but most of the studies are not peer reviewed and are sourced from one site called "near-death". A lack of objectivity should be taken into account. The idea that OOB experiences or the validity of NDEs can stand up to rigorous testing is also incorrect.
Maybe what you imagine death to be and what it actually is, isn't correct? Maybe, when you 'died' you didn't 'see' anything, not because there was nothing to see, but because you never came back? What if you simply moved into another reality that was so similar to the one you left that you never noticed?
And what about another phenomena that rarely gets reported that is very connected to NDE's? Shared NDE's. Where relatives and friends who are present in the room of someone who is going through the death process, actually experience something just like an NDE as their loved one physically dies. [ame][/ame]
[quote name='"esseff"'] Maybe what you imagine death to be and what it actually is, isn't correct? Maybe, when you 'died' you didn't 'see' anything, not because there was nothing to see, but because you never came back? What if you simply moved into another reality that was so similar to the one you left that you never noticed?[/quote] Some mother fucken inception mind fuck right here
When you die, your brain jacks you with insane amounts of drugs. People that are near death are most likely just high out of their minds.
Fact is though. These people are clinically dead. No brain function. And how would massive ammounts of drugs explain for shared NDE's and the like. Maybe it is a false hope. If so im prepared to end existance forever. But it would be cool as fuck to wake up again somewhere else.