The uses of semen? One: reproduction. Two: best not mentioned, really May relate to this thread
Hopefully you're not actually suggesting that there's something in semen itself that helps depression. This is stupid, sex is what makes people happy, not cum.
I read about that semen story when it originally broke in some pop culture magazine like newsweek. Definitely can be controversial but kinda makes sense in the whole scheme of pair bonding.
Just read the thread you... suggested as a companion piece... not sure how i feel about it right now Definitely in a better mood right now. *chuckle*
There was some discussion of the ideal "carrier" for the administration of the cannabis extractive anally (Glycerin or Coca butter). If semen causes mood improvement, then the possibilities for adjunctive therapy....
skeet skeet skeet. They say it tastes like whatver food you eat, so i eat a lotta fruits....Cock-tail
Oh wow guys, it's semen that's received through the vagina that causes it. Get your girl on birthcontrol and ride bare back. I read this in cosmo like a year ago.