Selfless acts

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Zerotheory, Jul 8, 2010.

  1. Is there a such thing as a truly selfless act?

    This is how the argument goes. When we feel we've done a good deed for someone, it can be anything, help someone across the street, get someone a beer out of the fridge, you name the situation.

    When we do things for others or help others even if there is no physical reward there is an emotional reward. We feel good about ourselves for doing it. Since our reward was feeling good, isn't that a selfish reason to do the deed?

  2. #2 tongues, Jul 8, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2010
    I would argue altruism exists because the emotional reward isn't the motivating factor in spurring one to action, but simply the desire the help. I'm going to ponder this more though :smoking:

    Edit: may be very rare though

  3. What about Buddhists monks who train all their lives to avoid this very problem? To give not to help yourself in anyway, but to just give because another human being is in need regardless of how it affects you.

    I thought about this too and as far as I can tell they are the only ones that I've heard about who address it.
  4. its very hard, not impossible by any means. you just have to see that someone needs your help, and act upon that. not for any reason other than to help.

    yes you might find yourself patting yourself on the back but, why? if the answer is to make yourself feel good you have lost the concept of selflessness.

    dont pat your own back and you never have to deal with this complex again.
  5. There is such a thing as a selfless act. Such as when someone does something with sacrifice to themselves that helps others, like donating a kidney to a complete stranger or living in a war-torn country trying to work to make others lives better. It may give them a satisfaction or fulfillment from doing it, but it is not the reason they are doing it.
  6. There may not be, but I wanna distinguish between two types of acts here.

    Selfish: Benefiting from another person's loss, being greedy, not considering other people's feelings, etc.

    Non-selfish: You and the other person benefit; both gain emotional well-being.

    Just pointing out that there's nothing 'wrong' with the latter.
  7. There is no such thing as a selfless good deed.
    But this doesn't detract from their value nor is it a reason to stop doing them.
  8. yes there is.

    your argument does not make sense.
    if there is no such thing, then there is no value nor a reason to stop doing what doesnt exist.
  9. you question selfless acts, maybe its because you dont commit selfless acts.

    if you commit selfless acts, then they do exist, and that selfless acts will be reciprocated unto you.

    ever heard of karma?
  10. when you are not selfish you are generous, helpful, considerable, incorruptable, charitable,loving, noble, self-forgetting, selfless, kind, giving, etc.

    "non-selfish" you are doing something in which the other benefits and you do not. you gain nothing from it whatsoever. make this a habit.

    stop thinking about yourself all the time and help others.

    selfishness is where a lot of the evil in the world comes from.

    and how can you beat this evil? show love, bro.
  11. wanna see some selfless acts? start committing them. it will come back to you.
  12. Sure there are selfless acts. It takes a rare person though, to not think of at least some minor benefit to their actions. Like if some people saw a kid drowning in a river they would jump in without a second thought and try to save him. Me, I'd probably have the thought of how thankful his parents would be, him, and others... does that mean I'd only save him if they would be happy about it though? No... so is that still selfless? I believe it is.
  13. You still benefit emotionally from non-selfish good deeds; it's not selfish and it's not evil.

  14. as long as you are doing it selflessly. doing it for their benefit and not for your own. you are doing it for them to feel good. not expecting anything in return.

    as you give, you shall receive.

    indeed. :)
  15. The act itself has value regardless of whether or not it is selfless.
  16. Taking a bullet for a complete stranger. Buying your favorite meal while you're starving and then giving it to a bum.

    If you do something BECAUSE it is good, then it is no longer selfless, because to did it with the intention of being good, it's not from the heart. Whether it's to improve your "karma" or whatever reason it may be.
    ^ That's just my philosophy though.

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