Seeking Help From Toking Vets

Discussion in 'General' started by BaDankittyDank, Jan 28, 2015.

  1. So i just smoked a bowl and i'm chilled, just thought i'd share :)
    But the reason that i'm here is that i recently started smoking heavier, i used to do it once a month or so, now everyday or every other day. I'm wondering if there's any advice I can have? maybe rookie mistakes i'm making? I've been caught in the past (by my parents) and i'm on a streak. I left my window open last week after toking with a friend, and my dad came in the next morning and asked why my window was open, I just said "I don't know" and repeatedly said that. My dad was in a good mood, and just said " you know what that looks like to me right?" I said "yes" and he walked out. I feel like they've been ignoring the signs because they know i'm going to do it anyway. But i Still would like to keep it a secret as much as possible.
    Good hiding places?
    Thanks Guys!

  2. Hide your weed in your deodorant.. All I have to say. ✌

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