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Seeing things?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Zethmal, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. THC is considered a conglomerate of all drug types, but leans slightly more towards a hallucinogen than a stimulant or depressant. Because of this, one would suppose that in high amounts, marijuana would produce hallucinations. What things have you seen/heard while high?

    For example, I often confuse everyday objects for various animals, and sometimes view a smaller version of myself on tables or the ground from a somewhat dissociative standpoint. Things also often melt into eachother as if they were made of heated wax.
  2. If this doesn't make sense whatsoever, it's probably becuase i'm high.
  3. HAHAHAAHA yeah dude, people will probabily post shit like "its impossible to hallutionate on weed." But for me in the middle of my heaviest smoking years I whent though faze where between glances I would see an eye, a sun, a fan, a flower, an astarix. It was so strange and it bugged me the fuck out keep in mind this is after 2 and a half years of daily smoking. It only happened when I was high and lasted for about 2 months. Fucking strange but real cool.
  4. hallucinogens dont make you see things despite its name. deleriants make you see things.

    if your really seeing things or shit is morphing you should go get checked out. thats not normal

  5. I disagree about seeing things not being normal when high of course, if your sober and are seeing things then get checked out. But yeah deleriants, I've never heard of that classification. would weed be considerend a deleriant? Cause for me I absolutely saw things, in a strange way, its really difficult to describe, but between glances is the best way to describe it, this happened a year ago for two months and hasnt happened since. It started one morning, real early, with a FAT spliff to the dome. I was soooo high.
  6. #6 chronicman00, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2010
    actually drugs can bring out underlying conditions..even weed can do it so seeing shit when your high can definitely be a sign that you have some disorder...drugs bring out the symptoms. and nah weed isnt a deleriant. deleriants mimic some one being batshit crazy practically psychotic. the plant named "datura" is a deleriant check it out.

    deleriants make you not be able to tell the difference of whats real and whats not. like you could take datura and have a full on conversation with the devil and you would be able to feel him n shit like that and you could swear its real..dont ever fuck with deleriants
  7. Interesting ill do some reading thanks chronicman! Ive read a shitload about drugs and the possible side effects especially about weed which, i currently cant smoke, im in Americorps and they drug test so i havent smoked for 7 months. I can toke again in June! Haha not to argue cause thats stupid especially online but my case was entirely unique. I have no dissorders and smoked daily for years, out of my 3 and a half years of smoke this was a 2 month sliver in the middle it came and went. It wasnt like full bodied manifestations they were split second glimpses between glances and were gone as fast as they came. Ive tried to figure what it was since then and have failed to recreate the situation, or see what I saw. It was facinating though, it was almost like a new leavel of highness was achieved. And like I said before this was a two month period of time only when I was high and it never happened again and I smoked a shitload of times after this.

  8. Today, I consumed a lot of cannabutter that I like to call blackout butter. This butter was made out of 10 grams of chronic nugs simmered into 1 1/4 stick of butter. I used the doublepot method for three hours.
    I started out putting some on my pancakes this morning. I began to feel a great body high about forty five minutes after I ate them.
    The past couple days that I have been consuming this butter + smoking Grade A+ Bubba Kush. I have been seeing these bright fuzzy lights zip around like you see when you stand up too quick and get a head rush because of lack of oxygen in the brain. But its not because of that at all. Its pretty cool to look at.
    I am not new to consumables by any means. I have ate them for years without this effect so this is something new for me.
    Thirty minutes ago I heated up some hot fudge and then melted in some chunks of butter and put it on top of some drumstick (Dreyers) ice cream.
    I think I will do this more often. :smoking:
  9. Op, I think I know what you mean. When I blaze I get these fleeting symbols when I close my eyes... Kinda like a mix of a grandfather clock and a face idk really abstract it's hard to put in words. Also when I blaze it seems like everything is a lot clearer/vibrant and it seems like I see everything in red green and yellow pixels. Although I've done acid and a lot of shrooms :)

    Also, don't listen to the people who tell you to go get your head checked. There IS visual effects from smoking weed, not nearly as drastic as LSD or psilocybin but there is documntation people! do your research.

  10. Of course, when I am experiencing these things, I am fully aware that it is not reality, and that I am merely under the influence. Perhaps I also exaggerated the effects of hallucinations. Also, deliriants are a type of hallucinogen sometimes called "true hallucinogens" because they induce realistic visions indistinguishable from reality. Alongside deliriants there are also psychedelics (LSD, psilocybin) and dissociatives (PCP, salvia) which DO produce hallucinations, but to a much lesser extent.
  11. #11 Cottonmouth 85, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2010
    I'd say the most "hallucinogenic" thing pot does, which many strains of pot do is what Dr. Freud refers to as the "oceanic effect".

    Which is to say a feeling of your conscious as separate from your physical body, and is in an endless realm so to speak. A feeling the extends past the here and now. Distortion of what you feel as the physical space you occupy. Like your body is accessible to you but somewhere other then where your mind is.

    But other actual hallucinations I've had from pot have specifically been related to haze strains, as many peoples. Really intense paranoia that pretty much is delusional. Also just various misinterpretations of everyday data. Sights and sounds being off. That sort of thing. Colors being brighter, voices sound far away, etc.

    But you're going to get a lot of dumb responses to this thread because of what terms like "hallucinogenic" mean to people. Many of whom have never done hallucinogens to top it off. But not having any experiences in things usually never stops people from having vehement opinions on them.
  12. last night I popped 300mg of tapentadol, the highest dose i've ever done, and smoked A LOT of dank after a 3 month T-break. I saw a translucent woman take something from my desk and disappear, and I was hearing music loud and clear for the next hour or so.

    The hallucinations were from the pills obviously, but the weed obviously added to it.
  13. Ya I got the melting walls thing once. And there was a trippy ass picture on the wall and it looked 3D. I didnt really like being THAT high.

  14. Yeah this i've noticed is true. I don't believe it's possible to see full blown hallucinations with weed alone. I was on a 300mg of tapentadol, which was making me hallucinate before, when I closed my eyes.
  15. the first time i smoked i took wayyyyy too much and i started like imagining hyenas
    I know that it wasn't real but I was daydreaming and it just felt hella wierd
  16. Dude I know exactly what you're talking about. Sometimes my imagination makes really dark objects seem what they are not. I also see like a fraction of a second animals while I drive at night. I'm tired right now maybe I'll post more experiences tomorrow -_-
  17. i've never seen anything that wasn't actually there.

    maybe my perception has been off, but i've never really hallucinated while smoking weed.
  18. I think if you smoke enough, you will be so high that you will see things, maybe you won't even see things, but you will think you're seeing things. haha. Perhaps i should test this loosely-based and highly unplausable theory this weedend. Yes, i did say weedend.
  19. You could say I've hallucinated, but not in the same way as something like LSD. It's more of a dissociative effect when I do. In other words, I see things that are really there in new ways, but I don't see completely imaginary things.

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