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Seeing random stuff high

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Stoned342, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Anyone seen any really random stuff (not hallucinations) whilst being high?

    Once me and a friend smoked outside at around 1 o'clock in the morning in an empty street. All the houses had the lights off etc... We finish our joints and as it starts to settle in some woman comes riding past on a bike singing in a foreign language. She didnt even turn to look at us, it was surreal haha :smoke:

    But yeah, share your stories :D

  2. Yep. Mostly on L rides with friends. haha i remember one time we were driving around at like 6pm and we saw a mailbox and it looked like a guy holding a gun.
  3. I remember on a drive once it looked like cats were jumping out of the trees at us.
  4. Oh...dude, those are marijuana ninja' your back, bro, they will come back for you...
  5. Yea man i get this all the time. I can stare at just about anything. for example the tree tops. I can look at the tree tops and its like every few seconds they will appear to look like some random thing...and then it will change again and look like something else. over and over again. you see shit that was never possible to see when your not high. there is a million different perspectives to everything. you just gotta find them. :smoke:

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