Seedy weed

Discussion in 'General' started by Eyes, Jul 18, 2006.

  1. Okay, so I went to a new dealer to see what he was like, and he gave me some weed that looked pretty dank. I got some friends over and we smoke a bit of it, and I took a hit and had a massive headache and felt queasy. Afterwards it was clear flying for me. I thought "probably a seed", and I'd never had a seed in my weed before without taking it out.
    I went home and started grinding it, when I noticed there where quite a few seeds (little brown things, right? I never usually deal with them). I'd just like to hear your seed seperation techniques.
  2. You will know when you smoke a seed; you invariably hear a small pop, and the smell is unmistakable. It shouldn't make you ill, though.

    Generally, weed with many seeds is of fairly poor quality. I avoid it like the plague. Most dealers, especially those who grow remove all seeds themselves.
  3. the weed i buy is generally seedy. this is because i smoke several times a day, so i can't afford "the good stuff" (and i don't have the patience to grow it myself). does this make me a bad stoner? i don't mind spending $50 for a half ounce. to me, it's about quantity over quality - so long as it gets me high (which it always does, because it's what i'm used to).

    anyway, about the seeds. just manually pick them out. i find it to be kind of fun. someone once told me to think of the weed as a precious steak - you have to take it off the bone (stems) and pick out the fat (seeds) to enjoy the meat. :smoking:
  4. nothing wrong with it. hell, I'll pick up an O for $75 and roll blunts all day
  5. you're my kinda stoner :p

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