Seedy bud

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by mitx, Jul 20, 2010.

  1. So why is it bad if the males are left around females? It makes the bud get seeds? Why is that bad?
  2. When not pollinated, the plant uses most of it's energy towards making the buds fatter and stickier with thc in attempt to catch pollen. Once pollinated however the plant uses most of it's energy towards making seeds instead of thc
  3. Why is it bad for your bud to be full of seeds??? Seriously?

    I don't know about you but I pick out any seeds and stems from bud I have before I smoke it. Seeds are weight, and I don't want half of the weed I paid for to be unsmokeable.....
  4. If you ever had good sensi you wouldn't being asking.....
  5. ya go ahead and smoke some seeds
  6. I'm not asking .... I'm asking why the OP is asking.
  7. wait... ah what?...
  8. He/She told me "if you ever had good sensi you wouldn't be asking ....."

    I believe he/she asked that because I said "Why is it bad for your bud to be full of seeds??? Seriously?" to start my first post to the OP.

    I wasn't asking a literal question, I was asking the OP if he/she was being serious when asking "Why are seeds in your bud bad."

    Make sense?
  9. I smoked weed 1 time in my life. So I didnt know. I thought the absolute beginners section would be a good place to start.
  10. My bad man. I guess I assumed everyone who registered on GC would have known.

    You joined GC after one smoke though eh? Must have enjoyed?
  11. It was 5 years ago lol. Ive been chewing coca leaves and making strong coca tea and it gets me burned out after so Ive been looking into marijuana like Mandala #1. See how it goes :)
  12. It's only bad if you don't want seeds. It's also bad for those of us who have a thing against unkown bag seed found in dime bags.

    Everytime I start a new breeder pack of seeds, I grow them out and propagate seeds. 100 bucks for seed every 3 months is a lot of money even on the cheap side of the deal. Also a new grower who makes seeds on an early grow gets vital information on how long it takes for the seeds to ripen and will benefit in the long run should they move up to know strains and professional seeds. So seeds can be a good thing.

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