Hello I'm planing to buy seeds from seedsman for this summer.Has anyone tried it before?Im interested in buying Mazari,Nemesis and White Widow all feminized seeds.I should go for it or not? Thanks
I grew out some Seedsman freebies I had received with an order from Seedmadness last summer. The Haze/Skunk came out okay but wasn't very potent and the Top 44 was down right terrible. So those freebies didn't leave the best impression on me for Seedsman's gear. That being said, I have heard some folks praise Seedsman's White Widow and seen pics of solid grows. If you're looking for inexpensive, quality, seeds, take a look at Mandala Seeds and Female Seeds. Mandala Seeds are the best bargain on the market, really top notch genetics at very affordable prices. Mandala only offers regular seeds though, no fems, that's why I also mentioned Female Seeds. Female Seeds only offers feminized seeds and has great strains at great prices (White Widow included). Good luck.
i have no PERSONAL experience with sseedsman, but was told their malawi gold is PURE SCHWAG much the like 44 someone else mentioned, so i just ignore seedsman. if you want some good haze, get some cheap high quality seeds' haze skunk. i'm smoking it right now having performed an early partial harvest for partying with the ladies tonight. it's awesome shit. it's much easier to do indoors than pure haze i'm sure and isn't far off the mark from the 1/2 gram of true haze i tested. despite the skunk #1, it isn't stoney at all or smelly. i accomplished a shitload of stuff i'd been putting off over the past week taking samples of that superior smoke. sativa seeds (nirvana's sister) has bitchin' sativas too. you just missed out on their haze 19 skunk which has even more sativa in it that HQS', but i'm not complaining about HQS anymore let me tall you. the next round, i'm trying their thai & kerala skunks to see how they compare. i'm thinking the thai in particular would be even trippier. i'm STILL trying sativa seeds' very sativa full moon (thai), but think pure thai (and likely haze too less so) is just way too fussy indoors & out unless you're willing to pamper the shit out of it and wait forever. the FMs only started SHOWING sex after i harvested the C99 i started a few weeks AFTER and i just had to whack one of my two plants as it started out showing fur then turned fucking tranny on one branch, probably due to thirst stress. the leaf i sampled wasn't shabby even without visible trichromes and i bet it's really some badass shit if cared for. oh yeah... it will turn yellow and starve to death before showing it's sex in even a 2 gallon bucket and months of 12/12. i really want to try thai skunk now that i know HQS gets you high and that their haze skunk is more like columbian gold than even great vintage skunk #1 (75% sativa? funny, it smokes more like 25%). i'm guessing the thai skunk is even better as haze is a mix of three strains and i think one of them had indica though i'm not sure. i recall seeing reports that neville's original is only 92% sativa. while not the most potent strain maybe, i totally loved the sample i took of mandala's 8 miles high. it was a kick ass & fun buzz that loves music & dancing, but is totally neutral so you can chill on it too unlike racier sativas. i could smoke nothing but this shit the rest of my life and be happy, but if you're scoping hazes out, you want more potency i'm guessing. before it's too late, try to get some afropips sativa! it will be extinct when it all sells out as afropip has passed away (RIP honored elder!). his sativas are the real deal. sadly, malawi gold is gone, but he still has some great crosses. if i wasn't strapped for loot, i'd get his malawi gold x durban poison in a heartbeat as i've smoked pure durban and loved it if not the nauseating licorice flavor. durban would tame malawi's size a bit maybe without diluting it's sativa high as durban can get trippy too. i didn't have enough to get to that level though. BRB... time to pack another bowl of bud leaf (saving the nuggets for the strumpets). i'm lovin' this shit! i'd planned to compare it side by side against sativa leaning full moon, 8 miles high, URBAN poison (25% NL5), & super cali haze super cali haze is NOT fucking shabby! my freebie of that got stunted and only gave me a little flower & about 10 beans, but it was very resinous, had true haze's grapey flavor (comes from highland thai which is the base of blueberry) and most important of all, smoked VERY close to pure haze to the point i'd have to compare them side by side to name difference other than potency maybem but as sticky as my SCH leaf was, i don't think potency is an issue and as an autoflowering lowryder, should be much more manageable than pure haze. you can bet you're ass i'm sampling that again for full sized plants! read the SCH thread. several people are growing it out. supposedly a REALLY good haze, look into dr atomic's haze. the author of cannabible loved it and his other gear too, but i haven't seen anyone growing it out yet. if you want possibly the absolute trippiest strain in the world, you might try pure cambodian mekong haze. i did, but got nothing from all 5 of my little beans. to be fair, i might not have soaked them long enough as tiny sativa seeds take at least a week to pop, an this year i've had the worst luck with viability. i honestly think my landlord is secretly fucking my shit up when i'm out and if i catch his ass, he'll be fucking wearing it as a hat after i bash his skull in. i'm generally an easy going person, but fuck with my castle and someone's gonna get fucked up. fuck seeedsman! these sativas will get you where you want to go, and all are doable indoors: 8 miles high - mandala haze skunk - high quality seeds (as well as nirvana if gyspy still has h19 skunk) super cali haze - i forgot... one of attitude's breeders, maybe short stuff & probably about anything sativa seeds makes if you're willing to treat it like a princess and give it 5 gallons minimum. (11 hour light cycles are supposed to help induce flowering and my problem might be that i'm using halide instead of orange sodium) if black licorice isn't the most disgusting flavor in the world to you, keep an eye out for that. it has been compared to thai, and my experience with haze is that it wasn't as visually trippy as columbian gold, but had way more euphoria and "refinement" in the buzz. i really want to try sativa seeds' oaxican to see if it compares to columbian gold at all. so far, nothing i've smoked can topple true california grown columbian gold. that shit will makes you see stuff like: - TV reporters looking 3D (was getting a little of that off haze skunk though) - rain in headlights looking like spears of light - wheat looking grasses that look like "weird headed aliens" marching towards you as they sway in a gentle summer breeze. when i made that observation & pointed it out to a seasoned stoner buddy i was smoking out, he eventually agreed and had to see "wow! this is some good shit!" i started out smoking that shit and was spoiled forever by it and have been miserable 25 years puuting up with indicrap since. i'd only been toking a few weeks when i blazed that. hope that info helps. i know how hard it can be finding info on sativas as i've researched this shit since '85 when gold was offed by my lifelong mortal enemy, IDICRAP! (to be fair, the hindu & masterkush based troublemaker i smoked that i though was pure indica was NOT at all disagreeable. it was no stonier than skunk #1 and just as euphoric. i can respect that. if you ever want to get high & stoned at the same time, barney's LSD has a hazey but not quite trippy high that also hits you with instant heavy eyelids, but doesn't stone your body until a couple hours later when it creeps up and lullabyes your ass. LOL oops! you weren't looking for malawi. DUH! these are safe bets for breeders: barney mandala nirvana sativa seeds TH seeds mr nice CH9 (i think) DJ shorts joey weed $eriou$ $eeds if QUALITY is your priority, these guys will deliver the goods, but stay away from nirvana's fems & autos & stick with their regular gear. their white rhino (medicine man knockoff) is always raved about by growers including one who called it the best shit they ever smoked. if you want stinky, their white castle is fucking roadkill.
My personal experience... I've got 5 female ww->and now I have 5 very good ladies in their final week of flowering. Everything on the top is white! Very nice buds. Later today I will try to post pics.
Seedsman took my money but never sent the seeds! Now, three months later, they want $100 more to supposedly resend the seeds. No refund policy! Wise people avoid seedsman.