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  1. whats the chances of ordering good seeds off line from another country and law enforcement not finding out?
  2. can't you just buy a lot of bud and then use the seeds you get in that?
  3. Hopefully hes not getting seeds in his bud. Ask your dealer to get you some dank seeds. They all either have them or know where you can get some.
  4. did this year but in my small town it hard to find quality growing weed seeds all our good stuff has no seeds
  5. The chances of getting caught are extremely low. If you do get caught all that will happen is customs will keep the seeds and send you a note saying "we had to confiscate your package due to contraband". Then you go about your daily most seeds places will reship if u tell them u got a customs letter... they dont give a fuck theyre selling seeds t hat are worth nothing for like 10 dollars each...:p

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