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Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by sinewave07, Aug 31, 2008.

  1. since grasscity wont ship seeds to america...are there any other reliable websites or sources to have 100% feminized indoor seeds shipped to my door without dealing with law enforcement or anything sketch like that?
  2. damn why tell you so you can ruin it for everone
  3. yo wtf bitch..thats a dick thing to say..the dudes just tryin' to grow some harm no foul motherfucker..boiiiiing!
  4. high grade seeds ship to us i think
  5. There is a thread on gs dedicated to just this subject. Do a search and check it out. Good luck.
  6. where is the thread you are talking about? any help would be appreciated..thanks
  7. hey i cant find your post

    100% reliable and kickass strains.

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