Alright guys I have my seeds in soil and starter cups! The place I'm going I can't get to like some of you guys can to yours! So once I rangers them into my final growing pots im using extra perlite, foxfarm, and happy frog! I need something to add for good nutrients and fertilizer so the plant can grow. I'm just badically aiming for rain and whenever I can make it there to water it. I just need some tips on stuff to add to my soil for them to grow. Any advice would greatly be appreciated. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I'm not trying to discourage you from your plan and location and all, but you're basically just going to be wasting your time by putting your plant(s) somewhere that you can't give them the attention they need. Perlite is for drainage....not holding water. These plants don't do well in soil that is not well drained and holds moisture (thus the large amount of perlite in grow soils) and as they grow and become older and nearer harvest, they require more water, feed and attention (unless you want to give them over to the critters and bugs, etc.). You would be better off to grow a single plant in a 5 gallon bucket and keep it somewhere close so you could tend it. I guarantee you that if you plant 15 plants like you're talking about, you're going to lose at least 14 and probably all 15. It's just like a garden man. You get out of it what you put into it and they don't grow like magic beans. Rethink your idea and come up with something that will work and will yield you something at harvest. TWW
Yes I know perlite is for drainage... And yes I can attent to it twice maybe three times a week. Idk how many times y'all visit yalls lol. I can grow it and I know I can.. I just don't want to buy liquid nutrients. I want to add it to my soil... Add water with adjusted ph. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I also have a really good setup... It's just super hard to get to.. Not because of people... Cause of terrain. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Your plants need to be in the ground for mother nature to water them pots dry out and no water equates to dead plant . You prepare the soil by digging a hole and adding ferts to the soil at planting like composted manure