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Seeds Germinated!

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by StillBlazing123, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. 2 days ago I started geminating 2 seeds, and now they both have around 3mm long root tips coming out of them so can I know plant them straight into my soil (man pots) and start growing or should I use a humidity dome?
  2. I would go with the humidity dome until they break ground but the choice is really yours. I've done it both ways with and without the dome but I think your chance increase with the dome. No real facts behind that just my personal experience
  3. Plant it in healty new soil, and get a standard small pot and a ziploc sandwhich bag and cut the two corners off maybe figertips length and tape the bag with 2 holes cut over the small pot. Tape that shit shut. Air will be able to cycle somewhat with the 2 holes. Leave it on a window sill or under a low output light. Not a fucking big ass 1000 watt hps lmao.. Let the lil girly grow up nice till the little shell of the seed fall off of 1 of the first 4 leaves then do indoor or outdoor light to grow her up! :) hope i helped a bit. Questions?
  4. Ahh fair enough man, I will give that a go, but it is possible to put her straight into my soil and use my 125 watt cfl? will it still grow?
  5. 125? Sure man cfl's are great for veg and seedlings. Have at it. Dont put it too close though. 8~6 inches approximately. And sunlight will make em pop up quicker. Just saying. :) any other questions? I will help with whatever
  6. 125 watt? yeah i'll try to keep it about 4 inchs from the top as it does get fairly hot, I might use sunlight because where I live it's rarely hot but the last few days it's been quite sunny so that might be a good idea :)

    The only other thing is to do with nutes, im growing auto flowering plants that auto flower after 3 weeks and I have 2 types of nutrients Ionic Grow which is for the vegatative state, and Ionic Bloom which is for the flowering, thing is im wondering if i actually need to use any of the Ionic grow if my soil has the nutrients already?

    Soil Contains:
    Peat Moss
    Spaghnum peast
    Worm casting
    EC = 2.4
    pH = 6.6

    so should i be using both fertilises and how much (1/4, 1/2 of what it says?) and when?
  7. Use sunlight if you can bro. And ok with nutes im no pro but for an autoflowering girl i would use 1/4 strength for the 2nd week of veg. 1/2 strength. Flower use 1/2 strength for the first 3 weeks then use full reccomended strength for the rest of flower. Then flush for 10 days with plain water before harvest. Then 2 days before harvest, dont water at all. Buds dry/cure faster :) anything else? P.s. What strain?
  8. Ahh cheers buddy, I'll try using sun:D but ahh thanks for the help thats pretty much just confirmed it that i will use that amount :)
    Cheers for the tips! and it's easy ryder, ak47xlowryder number 2

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