Seeds direct Help!

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Youridol, Jun 13, 2002.

  1. hey have any of u that live in the us ordered from cuz iam intrested in buyying seeds from them i appreciate any feedback

  2. Yes,

    Seedsdirect will get your seeds right to you in the USA, Gypsy Nirvana is the best seed shop around, with the best genetics and also the most reputable service and prices!!

    Good luck and if you have a chance try the Mango strain Nirvana seeds standard offers its great!!

  3. i dont understand how buying seeds is not tracable to u from the government!!!
  4. Dont ever use your home address to send them too....that would be just dumb,,,,,, :eek:)

  5. i used my address, but then again i liv in the uk and its not illegal to buy seeds, only to grew them, i got my seeds in 3 days too! which was nice!

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