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Seeds and Amount ??

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Johnywilks, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. 2 questions -

    I havent smoked the 2 grams i bought . But i can see through the baggie that their are like 7-8 small seeds in it. Do i have to take them out ?? Does it mean its shit quality.

    Also its ony my 3rd time smoking , how much weed would i need to get really high. 1 gram??
  2. seeds are somewhat undesirable, VERY un smokable. take them out, throw em away if you have no plans to do anything productive with them. it doesn't necessarily reflect the overall quality, just how it was grown. there was a male plant (also un smokable) in the same room or area of the females and she was pollinated.

    as for how much to smoke, it depends on how you intend on smoking it :p you can always roll/pack/whatever more then you think you'll need and set it down when you're where you want to be
  3. dude first off dont smoke seeds, theyll pop and potentially hurt you.
    second just smoke until you feel high, which is gonna be a decent sized bowl for a low tolerance even if it is shit weed. Lol toss em in your yard, before you know it theyll be a bunch of plants sprouting up.

    Almost always its shit weed with seeds, but ive got some dank with seeds, KEEPERS!!

    Toke up and enjoy!

    What you smoking out of if I may ask. Please no plastic, aluminum foil, or toxic chemicals.
  4. it doesnt look like shit though? But the first 2 times ive used a proper bong from a shop ( but i think its made from plastic?? or acrylic??). But this time i dont think i will be using that and maybe make my own bong out of a waterbottle, hose, socket bit.
    How many people will 1 gram get high. We are all pretty much new to it they have smoked maybe 10 times and me it will be my third
  5. Also if your asking about seeds, you probably arent aware that its bad to smoke stems, the stuff that looks like little branches. Go thru your sac and take all the stems and seeds out so your left with buds only. It will save your lungs and even maybe prevent a headache:D.

  6. Depends on the thc level of the weed. But a gram of low grade may get 3 people "high" or maybe more its hard to tell. Just pass it around till you aint got any weed left and then see if your high, My guess youll be stoned, especially with a low tolerance.
  7. both times that ive smoked, weve just cut up with scissors so its just like a powder ( thin) take nothing out and smoke it. And i havent got any pops or headaches.

    Would it be better to make a bong out of a drink bottle, piece of hose and socket bit ( or aluminum can cone). Or just using printing paper ?
  8. i have a master kush seed a sour d seed some purp seed i think it might be grape ape 3 no name dank
  9. I've never had seeds before, but from what i've seen, take them out, maybe grow some plants lol?

    As far as how to smoke it..nothing beats and official piece, but if you can't get one *Wink Wink* then i'd say the next best thing is a socket wrench. If you can't get one of those, make a pipe out of a soda can.

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