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Seedlings not growing still after changing medium

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Shroombie, Apr 5, 2023.

  1. I used to have problem with growing in unbuffered coir so I ordered new type of coir which has much bigger pieces and should be buffered. I've planted 3 auto's, this is how they look one week after popping.

    It feels like it has not been growing at all for a week. This is straight buffered coir.
    This one seems bigger but I don't know why the leaves are pointing down so much. For this, I mixed buffered with some of my old unbuffered coir to see if it would work.
    20230404_230609.jpg This one has been praying for days. I kept my LED 1 meter above the plants as instructions and I also tried lowered them but it does not help.

    This one is not an auto, It used to be in the unbuffered coir so I put it in water for a week and then transplanted it into a mixture of buffered and unbuffered coir. It was growing fine for days but then today I noticed bleaching on the tip of the bottom leaf. Maybe because I tried lowering the light a little for 2 days? Or is would it be problematic to mix buffered with unbuffered coir?
  2. i have no nothing of coir but id say there's not much nutrients or theres too much in the medium. and moving them wil only shock them more, may be PH issues im just taking shots in the dark
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  3. Why did you start in large pots?
    Maintaining the proper water/oxygen ratio will be a challenge.
    Coco basics:
    Never let it dry out.
    Never use plain water.
    Always feed to substantial run off.
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  4. They are autos so I start in final pot.
    I haven't watered it since I used water to soften the block out. It's not too wet or too dry.
    If it's buffered then it means it should contain enough nutes for the seedling stage right? Or should I feed them with more nutes already? I never had to give them nutes this early in the stage before with the IKEA coir I used to have only success with. And if I gave them nutes this early it would only stress them.
  5. But do they really need nutes in this stage? Isn't nutes just gonna stress them? I have buffered coir which means it should contain cal+mag
  6. they really arent looking so bad.. wait a bit my friend.
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  7. 1 week from sprout for a comparison..........fed daily to run off.......and they're autos.
    7 days 11-1-21.jpg
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  8. Oh no.. I'm definitely having problems!
    You suggest I feed them? I'm afraid of stressing them even more with hydroponic nutes.
  9. dont compare. strains grow different than each other. I do see new growth on yours
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  10. But I used to have successful growth in straight coir. The coir I'm using today is even more coarse with some really big chunks.

    I still don't get why one is praying all the time and it actually looks like it's starting to bleach as well.
    The one in the last picture is also bleached on the tip but it has been growing since I transplanted it. And tbf it's in a pot with half unbuffered coir.
  11. I hope you are right. But these ones are called "Quick One" should be one of the fastest strains. The one that is growing best is Watermelon auto but it's not supposed to be as fast as Quick One.
  12. A auto started in a one liter air pot feed every day with 20 percent run off.
    Then moved to a 3 gallon air pot to finish out being feed 4 time's a day.
    As stated above never let Coco dry out and never give just plain water.

    Attached Files:

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  13. Ok thanks! Do I dare feeding one of them to see what happens then? Because really, with the coir that I used to have I didn't even need to feed my seedlings before like 3-4 weeks and from my experience feedling seedlings with hydroponic nutes only stresses a seedling. But hey, I haven't been able to grow for months maybe I should give it a try and give one of them just a little to see what happens.
  14. Read post #10.
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  15. #16 MickFoster, Apr 5, 2023
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2023
    I agree, but I also disagree.........grower error is the main cause of slow growth.
    I can show you pics of 1 week old sprouts from my last 8 grows, and they all pretty much are the same size........and they were all different strains.
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  16. But I've grown many, many times without perlite! Do you think this is due to poor drainage or no nutes? Do you think that I should feed them hydroponic nutes too?
  17. I didn't tell you to read post #10 because of the perlite suggestion........I told you to read it because of the link provided. It will tell you all the basics of how to grow in coco.
    You've been given good advice but you have disputed and questioned all of it.
    Coco has no nutes in it..........feed, feed, feed.
    Coco is drain to waste have to provide the food.
    I have never used those coco chips, but I imagine perlite wouldn't be necessary for drainage.
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  18. Thanks! I'll try adding some gypsum and solved epsom salt. Maybe my problem has been that I stopped mixing my coir with gypsum.
  19. I've now fed them with mostly gypsum (for calcium) and epsom salt (for magnesium) but also some hydroponic nutes. hope it helps.

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