seedlings in rockwool,red stem

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Genocide, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. I have 2 seedlings in soil and 2 started in rockwool, the one in rockwool now has soil around it and the other now has a 6'' rockwool cube around it.

    At first both in rockwool had red stems and now just the one in the big rockwool cube has a red stem, and even red'r.

    What is this caused by?
  2. anyone have 2 cents to add
  3. A red colored stem is most likely caused by a (and I hate this word) nutrient deficiency. The most likely culprits can be either pottassium, phosphorous or nitrogen.

    If you are growing hydroponically, this may also be caused by a pH issue. pH that is too high or too low can "lock out" nutrients. Even though the nutrients are there, the too high or too low pH can cause the nutrients to become unavailable to the plant for use. Salt buildup can also cause deficiencies. Overfertilization can also show up the same way.

    Take a look here - Action Mode, Deficiency & Toxicity of the 17 Essential Nutrients

    Here is a very handy pdf called "Recognizing Plant Deficiencies" -

    Good luck. This is yet another reason that I garden organically. Since I started some years ago using well made, healthy organic soil, I have not seen, nor will I ever see, any kind of a nutritional deficiency - ever.

  4. Definitely a ph issue just get it out of the rw into the soil you have the rest of your plants in and your problem should be solved

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