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Seedlings growing slowly...I think

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by HOLY Roller, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. so I posted a while back pictures of these when they first sprouted, about 4 days ago, so they've been sprouted 5 days. They look a bit strange to me, I mean they seem healthy but IDK here is some pic's.

    this seems to be doing the best out of the two. It's just the cotyledons are sticking straight up they seem pretty thick too, and the backs of them are a sort of purple-ish brown.


    top view of the same one, the cotyledon is kind of turning yellow on the tip, what could cause this. I keep the temps around 78 and the humidity is around 70-80%. not sure if that is what is should be though, thoughts?


    Just to give you an idea of what I was saying about the cotyledons sticking straight up, kind of like a sandwich.


    now here is the other one, its green, the cotyledons are thin and small, and so are the first true leaves, why are they growing like this. has anyone seen anything like this before?


    another of the one above


    So here is what I've been doing. I keep them damp, but not soaking wet, I keep it pretty sterile, I use ph corrected water, and I am using a 4ft shop fluro. I do have a 250 watt MH, but I dont know if I should put them under it yet, oh and I have been keeping them under a humidity dome

    any thoughts
  2. did u pre-soke the rockwool cubes with PH'd water before using them?
  3. yes sir I did
  4. #4 Adicts0Adict, Sep 24, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2009
    How close are your fluros?
  5. about three inches away, it is resting on top of the humidity dome
  6. so does anyone think I should move these under my MH or should i wait?
  7. id wait, seedlings tend to like cfls better in my opinion.
    honestly dont see why you need a humidity dome for seedlings, usually just for clones ;)
    try taking them out mist them however often as needed to keep damp.
    and it'l allow you to move the lights a bit closer
  8. thanks man I'll try that
  9. i wouldnt worry
    this happend to one of my seedlings
    jus give it some tender love and care and it will be fine :)
  10. HR, give us an update on your girls, I want to see if removing the dome helped or not.
  11. removing the humidity dome didn't do anything, but now I've got a new problem, yesterday morning I was cleaning the tray out and I moved the larger of the two seedlings and and it landed seedling side down one of the cotyledons must have got damaged because when I got home from class one of them was shriveling up and looking like it was dying, I thought the seedling would die overnight, but today after class its doing better than yesterday, but the damaged cotyledon seems to be almost dead.

    should I remove it, the other isn't damaged and is doing fine, but I am afraid to remove it because I am afraid it will kill the plant itself. thoughts
  12. anyone? should I just let it die on the plant, its not wilting it's just this one cotyledon

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