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Seedlings 1 week after germination.

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Twanboat, Aug 6, 2017.

  1. Here are my seedlings one week after germination. (7/29 @ 8:29 pm). The left 2 will be going into soil and the right 2 will be going into hydro buckets. Any comments/ tips are welcome.


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  2. They look healthy, but a bit small. What medium are you using? Good luck with your grow.
    For a comparison - 1 week old.
    1 week.JPG
  3. Hmm. I figured they were going quite fast. I guess I was wrong. I'm using FFOF 75%-25% pert. Right now using 6 cfl's bout 5in away from them with 2 fans circulating. I have a 609w HID w/ carbon filter-exhaust and all. I'm just waiting for them to get slightly bigger for their final transplant.

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  4. What lighting are you currently using?

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  5. What type of HID do you have?
    I use a t5 fixture with 8 - 4ft. bulbs totaling a little over 400 watts for the first 3 weeks then I switch to a 650w (actual) full spectrum led.

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