Seedling yellow tips

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by wdt258, Sep 24, 2023.

  1. Hi I am using a t5 light and supersprouter. Days at 77 and 65 RH and nights are 73 and 60 RH. The auto seedling is in coco on 18/6 for light. I am curious on why the tips are yellowing on this at this stage, I feed 1EC every other day and will start doin everyday shortly. Any reason why this seedling is going to shit? Restarted so many time lol, any feedback is appreciated.

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  2. Did you buffer your coco?
    What is supersprouter? Is that your nutrients?
    How old is the sprout?
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  3. #3 wdt258, Sep 24, 2023
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2023
    Coco was buffered to 5.8 5.9, supersprouter is the clone dome im about to take off. My nutrients are GH 6 | 9 half strength at 500 ppms.

    The sprout is about Day 10.

    My humidity is at like 55RH right now.

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