Seedling trouble

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Woodgrowing, May 1, 2013.

    So guys this is my second year growing in the woods and I planted the pre germinated seed in cups and put them outside. So today after 2 days of being cloudy and somewhat rainy I went to check on my little guys and come to find olotslot of them sprouted ( like 8 of 11) and they looked pretty good except one that was dry and pretty whilted ( both small leaves) but there still kinda green..... Will it bounce back if I water it or will it proably die??? Help!
  2. give it a try and C
  3. Ive watered it I just hope URL bounce back...
  4. So they are in solo cups outside since begining?How many times they are getting direct sun light?
  5. Yes there in clear solo cups I germinated them in paper towel three days ago a relized it was wilted yesterday I've watered it to see if it won't die
  6. Oh proably 10 hours a day
  7. It bounced back! Thanks guys

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