Seedling Trouble!! Help please

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Smoker89, May 27, 2008.

  1. ok i dont have any pics but my seed sprouted today, but at the top where the new leaves are supposed to be coming out its blocked by the entire shell of the seed... im hoping it will fall off the stem tonite but im not sure becuz the stem is slouched ovr like the seed shell is waying it down...but the stem still looks healthy so im kinda confused:confused:
  2. Perfectly normal. It will grow a bit more and pop out the seed. 2 of my beans are sprouting now and are just like that. It's 100% Normal.
  3. i just sprouted 7. one of them had seed in 2days it busted out and is fine its a normal thing

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