Seedling stage day 6: Stem growth almost stagnant. Only leaves growing.

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Toyboy, Sep 24, 2023.

  1. #1 Toyboy, Sep 24, 2023
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2023
    It is now in seedling stage day 6. Stem growth almost stagnant. Only leaves growing. 2nd true leaves is starting to show up. The stem height is still very short. Is this showing a problem with the growth?

    Media peatmoss. RH 69-72%. Temperature 29-30 celcius. Lights 18/6 at ~250ppfd.

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  2. water it, and back the light off.
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  3. #3 Toyboy, Sep 24, 2023
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2023
    What do you mean back the light off?
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  4. Move it further away.
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  5. The light is about 2.5 ft high now. Okay I will place it higher. The plant is getting 250ppfd. Should I maintain 250 after increasing the height?
  6. Only 250ppfd? Looks like more. Keep that peat pellet moist, looks very dry.
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  7. Yeah 250 is what the photone app on the phone showed. Maybe it's not accurate. Okay will moist it. Thank you.
  8. At this stage there is a lot of root development going on. Just relax.
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  9. Hi, image attached. It shows the cotyledons turning yellow. Is this a problem?

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  10. I just read your post again. Are you in straight peat moss?
  11. What kinda soil ?

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  12. Dude. Ughh. Lol

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    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Is that Straight coco?? U need some perlite in there bro.

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  14. Yes only peat moss. Why?
  15. I wrote the media is peat moss in the post bro.
  16. New information is the plant is auto. Maybe that's why the stem is short.
  17. Peat moss is very acidic. Probably looking at a ph issue.
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  18. Yes, they tend to grow smaller than photoperiod plants.
  19. Yes, I remember I almost lost all my plants a couple years ago because I was in peet cups.. If you keep them in for a while eventually the water makes those pery cups get very acidic.

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