Seedling leaves deformed

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by 1Deep4Life, Dec 15, 2023.

  1. Should I toss it? What would cause this? I'm adding a picture of the other seedling to show the difference.

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  2. The EC/TDS is too high causing the plant to shrivel. Lower the EC by rinsing the media using RO + calmag. She can recover.
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  3. Even if I haven't used any nutrients? Just happy frog, perlite and worm castings and that's it.
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  4. Sometimes I germinate 24-30 seeds at a time and I'll get mutants like this despite all variables being the same. I'll have 20 normal sprouts and 3-4 freaks. Just because it's a numbers game I scrap the freaks/weaks.

    I recently grew two Strawberry Lemonade plants, and one of them had the same appearance when she was small. It normalized at about 3 weeks though and she turned out excellent.

    I never scrap plants unless I need to for space/new plants. If you can and it's not a burden, wait it out and see what she does. If not just for science!

    edit: Happy Frog can toss some weird heat at babies.
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  5. Just telling you what I see. Do you have a ph and EC meter? I would feed it distilled/RO water until a bit of runoff (at the bottom) comes out and I would measure it. I would correct if necessary.
    It may well just grow out of it as well.
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  6. Much appreciated on the responses. I also forgot to mention that when it first sprouted, the shell of the seed was stuck on it, I very carefully removed it.
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  7. if the plant /seedling were mine id still keep it till its grown some more leaves .they might just right them self ,ive grow plants that had weird leaves when they first sprouted and the first to the third may be four lots of leaves looked weird but after that the leaves become normal ...,so give it a chance before throwing it out ..any how luck with your grow.... .mac,
    PS it could be how you removed the seed case .it easy to damage the little leaves when removing the seed shell ...,mac
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  8. [​IMG]
    Twisty leaves as such are from the excess (N) from the wormcasts I should think, like blood meal, can be 'hot'
    potup into a 50/50 mix perlite and compost should clear in time, then repot to a good mix in about 3-4 weeks biggy

    good luck
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  9. Thanks everybody for your responses. I decided not to toss it and this is what she looks like now.

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  10. hope it turns out good and strong ,,,mac,
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