Seedling Dying Please Help

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Mr.StonedSquirrel, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. Do you think the plant is stunt permanently?
  2.  That Miracle-Gro Garden Soil for Flowers & Vegetables if that's what you have is supposed to be mixed with 50% native soil and feeds your plants up to 3 months. That is some pretty hot soil way to hot for seedlings. If your seedling does survive it may be stunted to a point that growth will be very slow and wouldn't be worth keeping.
  3. Agreed, if the plant does live it will forever be stunted and will not yield very much if at all. Also if it does survive it will have a higher chance of a hermy with all of the stress from the nute burning it badly. Honestly if it's heading that way it's already going to die, really sorry to say. 
    I hate losing a plant. 

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